Rahul Jairaj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication
3 min readSep 8, 2024


A letter

John-Mark Smith, Pexels

Rahul Jairaj

08, September 2024

“A Letter to the Broken, the Lost, and the Resilient"

"In the heart of every fall, there is a rise waiting to be born—a testament that failure isn’t the end, but a chapter in the making of resilience."

Dear world, dear soul who’s been tested by love, failure, and betrayal—I see you. There’s a heaviness in your heart that no one else might recognize, but it’s there. You’ve given yourself fully to love, trusting someone or something so deeply, only to find that trust shattered. Betrayal is a bitter pill, isn't it? It leaves a scar that feels impossible to heal, a pain that lingers in the quiet moments when you are alone with your thoughts. But let me tell you, you are not alone. This letter is for you.

In the midst of that betrayal, that failure, there is something remarkable happening. It’s hard to see it now, I know. All you can feel is the weight of loss, the sting of disappointment. But deep inside, something is stirring. Your heart, though bruised, is resilient. Your soul, though tested, is still strong. The world may have thrown its worst at you, but you are still here, standing, breathing, and waiting for the light to break through. That in itself is a triumph.

Failure isn’t the end of your journey; it’s the beginning. Success, as we often define it, is elusive. We chase it through achievements, through wealth, through recognition, but often forget that success is about resilience. It’s about picking yourself up when you’ve fallen, dusting off the pain, and deciding to keep moving forward. There’s a fire inside of you that burns stronger with every setback. Each tear, each heartbreak, each loss is not a defeat, but a step forward on the path to something greater.

When life feels like it’s collapsing around you, it’s easy to believe that the world has won. But remember, strength doesn’t come from avoiding pain. It comes from walking through it. You have walked through the darkest valleys, and you are still walking. That means you’re stronger than you think, wiser than you were, and more powerful than you know.

Love, when it betrays, leaves us questioning everything—our worth, our choices, our future. But love is not a single story. Just because one chapter ended in heartbreak doesn’t mean the book is over. There’s more love out there, waiting for you. More love within you, waiting to be given. And, most importantly, there’s the love you owe yourself—something no one can take away from you.

As for success, it’s not measured by others’ standards. It’s not about how many times you’ve been knocked down but about how many times you choose to rise. You’ve failed, yes. But failure is not a permanent state. It’s a lesson, a stepping stone. The path to where you’re meant to be might be littered with obstacles, but that doesn’t mean you’re lost. You are still on your way. Each step, no matter how difficult, is bringing you closer to where you’re meant to be.

The truth is, we all have our own battles. Some of us are fighting in silence, while others wear their scars openly. But everyone you meet has faced loss, failure, or betrayal in some form. We are all connected by this shared experience of struggle. And in that, there is beauty. There is strength in knowing you are not alone in your pain, and there is hope in realizing that just as others have overcome, so will you.

This is not the end of your story. It’s a chapter, yes, and perhaps a difficult one. But there are more chapters ahead—chapters filled with love, with joy, with success defined on your own terms. Your story is far from over, and you have the power to shape the rest of it.

So, to you who’ve loved and lost, to you who’ve struggled and stumbled, I write this to remind you that you are more than your pain. You are more than your failures. You are a work in progress, a beautiful unfolding of resilience, hope, and strength. The road ahead may be long, and it may be difficult, but it is yours to walk. And with each step, you’re getting closer to finding your own truth, your own version of success, your own peace.

With love and strength,
A fellow traveler



Rahul Jairaj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

An introvert by nature, but extrovert by thoughts - passionate Explorer of knowledge, making impact by writing. https://www.instagram.com/nira_heartnet/