
A Tale of Promise: The Pledge I Have to Keep

Photo by Marcelo Chagas, from Pexels


Promises are more than just words; they are commitments that shape our lives and define our character. The pledges we make, especially to those we hold dear, can drive us to achieve great things and maintain our integrity. This is a story of the promises I made to my deceased parents, my caretaker Bebe, and myself, and how these commitments have guided me to pursue true success and happiness.

Rahul Jairaj, 25/5/2024

“Path Of Determination

Promises to My Deceased Mom and Dad

My parents were my greatest inspirations and the foundation of my values. Before they passed away, I made a solemn promise to them: I would show the world what true success and happiness look like. This was not just about achieving material wealth or accolades; it was about living a life of integrity, kindness, and fulfillment.

From a young age, their teachings and expectations instilled in me a drive to excel not just for myself but to honor their memory. Every milestone I reached, every challenge I overcame, was in dedication to them. This promise became the guiding light in my darkest moments, reminding me of the love and expectations they had for me.

The Commitment to Bebe, My Caretaker

Bebe, my caretaker, played an irreplaceable role in my life after my parents passed away. She was a source of strength, wisdom, and unconditional love. To her, I made a heartfelt pledge that I would honor her sacrifices and guidance by living a life that made her proud.

Bebe taught me the value of hard work, resilience, and compassion. She often reminded me that true success is measured by the positive impact we have on others and the joy we find in our everyday lives. Keeping my promise to her meant embodying these values in everything I did. Her influence is evident in my commitment to helping others and striving for personal and professional excellence.

A Personal Vow to Myself

In my journey, I encountered a narcissistic individual who lent me a substantial amount of money. This situation was fraught with manipulation and control, and it became clear that the financial help came with strings attached. I made a personal vow to return the funds and free myself from this toxic relationship, reclaiming my independence and self-respect.

This promise to myself was perhaps the most challenging to keep. It required not only financial discipline but also emotional strength. Returning the funds became a symbol of my resilience and commitment to living a life on my terms. It was a profound act of self-respect and a testament to my determination to maintain my integrity, no matter the cost.

Defining True Success and Happiness

Through these promises, I have come to define true success and happiness in my own terms. Success is not just about achieving goals but about doing so with integrity and compassion. It’s about making a positive impact on the lives of others and finding joy in the journey, not just the destination.

Happiness, I learned, comes from living authentically and staying true to one’s values. It’s about cherishing relationships, pursuing passions, and finding fulfillment in everyday moments. My achievements, both big and small, reflect these principles. Whether it’s a career milestone or a simple act of kindness, each success is a tribute to the promises I’ve kept.

The Journey and Its Lessons

Keeping these promises has been a journey filled with challenges, growth, and profound lessons. I’ve learned that integrity and commitment are the foundations of a meaningful life. The journey has taught me the importance of staying true to my word, even when it’s difficult, and the incredible strength that comes from honoring my commitments.

These experiences have shaped my character and provided valuable insights into the nature of true success and happiness. I’ve discovered that the real measure of our lives is how we uphold our promises and the legacy we create through our actions.


The promises I made to my deceased parents, my caretaker Bebe, and myself have profoundly impacted my life. They have guided me through challenges, inspired my achievements, and defined my understanding of success and happiness. As I continue on this journey, I carry these promises with me, knowing that they are the foundation of my integrity and the true source of my fulfillment. The power of promises lies not just in the words we speak but in the lives we build by honoring them.



Rahul Jairaj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

An introvert by nature, but extrovert by thoughts - passionate Explorer of knowledge, making impact by writing. https://www.instagram.com/nira_heartnet/