
A Toast to Life

Photo Credit: Helena Lopes, Pexels

Rahul Jairaj


"Life is a grand adventure, filled with both joy and sorrow, and in every moment, we find the beauty of our existence."

In the grand tapestry of time, where moments entwine,
A toast to life, for all we enshrine,
To yesteryears, where memories reside,
In the deep chambers of the heart, side by side.

To the past, a realm of wistful yore,
Where laughter echoed, and tears did pour,
We raise our glasses, to joys and despair,
To lessons gleaned, and hopes that flare.

In shadows cast by bygone years,
Lies the essence of triumphs and fears,
The whispers of love, the echoes of strife,
Each thread a part of the fabric of life.

A toast to the present, this fleeting now,
Where dreams take shape, where we make our vow,
To cherish each second, each fleeting glance,
To dance with life, to seize every chance.

In sunlight’s embrace, in moon’s gentle glow,
We find our place, let our spirits flow,
With hearts wide open, eyes alight,
We seize the day, embrace the night.

Life’s a celebration, both grand and slight,
A symphony of moments, wrong and right,
With every breath, with every smile,
We tread our path, mile by mile.

A toast to the future, vast and unknown,
Where today’s seeds are fully grown,
With hopes that glisten like morning dew,
We step forward, dreams renewed.

In the realm of tomorrow, uncharted, immense,
We seek our truths, make them make sense,
For every dawn brings a chance to start,
To love more deeply, with an open heart.

To happiness that lifts us high,
To sorrow that teaches us why,
In the balance of joy and grief,
We find our strength, our deep belief.

A toast to life, in all its forms,
Through calm and peace, through tempests and storms,
We honor the journey, the highs and lows,
The unseen paths, the way life flows.

With gratitude, we greet each day,
With love, we find our way,
In life’s intricate dance, we see,
The beauty of what’s meant to be.

So raise your glass, dear friend of mine,
To beginnings, middles, and end’s sweet line,
To the symphony of our existence,
To life’s eternal, fierce persistence.



Rahul Jairaj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

An introvert by nature, but extrovert by thoughts - passionate Explorer of knowledge, making impact by writing. https://www.instagram.com/nira_heartnet/