All the colors of the rainbow

Photo by Sonu Agvan on Unsplash

When am I in my true color? I am a shade of red and a shade of blue, a blend of many distinct and blended colors. I am a canvas to be seen from many angles, not a single color to be singled out and blown out of proportion. I am the strands of a rainbow, the strands of light dancing through prisms, creating a spectrum of hues that can only be appreciated in their entirety. My essence is found in the harmony of contrasts, the beauty in diversity, and the unity of differences. I am not defined by one single shade but by the fusion of all colors, each contributing to the masterpiece that is me.

From the fiery passion of red to the serene calmness of blue, from the vibrant energy of yellow to the nurturing embrace of green, I encompass them all. In every situation, in every mood, a different facet of me may shine, but it is the collective brilliance of all my colors that truly represents who I am. Just like the rainbow, I am a promise of hope, a symbol of diversity, and a testament to the beauty of individuality within the collective whole.

I am ever-changing, evolving with the light that illuminates me, reflecting the myriad possibilities of existence. To see me in my true color is to embrace the full spectrum of who I am, acknowledging that my beauty lies not in a single hue, but in the dynamic and vibrant interplay of all my colors.



Harrison Chukwudike Ifeanacho
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

For the joy of stringing words, the pleasure of exploring ideas, and the sheer bliss of touching lives