
Angels and Demons

Photo Credit Unsplash

Rahul Jairaj, 03.06.2024

“Good & Bad are two faces of the same coin.”

In twilight’s veil where shadows creep,
Where secrets rest and silence weeps,
A realm unfolds, both dark and light,
Where angels soar and demons fight.

The heavens glow with wings so pure,
A choir of grace, their hearts assure,
With halos bright and eyes that gleam,
They guard our souls, our dreams redeem.

Yet in the depths where shadows reign,
The demons lurk with eyes of flame,
Their whispers cold, like night’s cruel kiss,
They tempt our hearts into abyss.

The angels sing with voices sweet,
Their harmony a soothing feat,
They lift us high on wings of gold,
To lands where love and hope unfold.

But demons dance in fire's hue,
With chains of fear and doubt’s cruel view,
They pull us down, with grip so tight,
Into the chasms of the night.

In battles fierce, both seen and hid,
They clash where human hearts are bid,
For every soul, a war is waged,
In realms where dreams and fears engage.

The angels, fierce in love’s pure light,
Their swords of truth dispel the night,
With every breath, a prayer they weave,
In faith and strength, they never leave.

Demons, too, with cunning sly,
Seek to ensnare where shadows lie,
Their voices lure with sweet deceit,
In darkness deep, their shadows meet.

Yet in this dance of dark and bright,
We find our strength, we find our light,
For in the heart, a spark resides,
A beacon where our hope abides.

With angels near, we rise above,
Their wings enfold us in their love,
Against the night, we stand so strong,
In harmony, where we belong.

And though the demons haunt our way,
With every dawn, we find the day,
For angels guide us through the night,
Their love, our shield, our guiding light.



Rahul Jairaj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

An introvert by nature, but extrovert by thoughts - passionate Explorer of knowledge, making impact by writing. https://www.instagram.com/nira_heartnet/