
Down the Nights and Down the Days

Photo by afiq fatah on Unsplash

There is a saying I have heard many times, that traveling the less trod path makes all the difference. Have you tried it? I am in the midst thereof.

The journey for me started with no specific direction in mind. I was motivated not by a desire to be in a particular place, the objective of my journey was to be absent from a place and a person. I fled him.

Have you ever felt, while you walked a lonely track, alone, in the darkest dark of the night, that a hound was stalking you? I have felt this way for a long time, not without good reason. I feel it in my bones when I’m alone, and when in the midst of a crowd.

His motives I knew to be good, neither did I doubt that I would benefit from a relationship with this great hound of heaven, yet I found it painful to relinquish my autonomy.

There have been great paths in the history of man, one leads to the kingdom of heaven, the less traveled path. To this the hound would carry me off, from it I flee with all my might.

On which path do I now tread? I currently walk the path of the poet that immortalized that poem “the hound of heaven.” Down this labyrinthine maze of my own mind, and in the midst of tears, I fly from him. Adown titanic glooms of chasmed fears.

It is a perilous thing to be tossed about, dashed hither and thither by fierce gales that pester in the name of love. My fears were not potent enough to evade him, as love was to pursue.

In this path fraught with hazards of soul and mind I have glimpsed a world invisible, touched a world intangible, known a world unknowable. It is a great place to be, yet I cannot attain it because it remains inapprehensible.

To desire it is to fall, to clutch it is to be apprehended by that great hound. I am in a path between worlds, what I shall do I have no knowledge of. His voice remains a perpetual torment, incomparable to my constant running, “all things fly thee, for thou fliest me.”



Harrison Chukwudike Ifeanacho
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

For the joy of stringing words, the pleasure of exploring ideas, and the sheer bliss of touching lives