
Echoes in the Abyss

Photo Credit: Tobi & Chris from Pexels.

Rahul Jairaj

07.07.2024 @

"In the darkest depths, even the faintest glimmer of hope can illuminate the path to resilience."

In shadows deep, where light has ceased to gleam,
I fall into a void, an endless dream.
An empty chasm whispers sorrow’s kiss,
I wander lost in echoes of the abyss.

Once vibrant days, now ghosts of fleeting mirth,
In laughter's grasp, I knew my place on earth.
But joy has fled, its warmth a distant star,
And memories now linger, cold and far.

Alone I tread through silence thick as night,
Each step a burden, robbed of hopeful light.
In solitude, my heart does softly weep,
Its echoes fade in caverns vast and deep.

Yet in the dark, a spark begins to flare,
A whispered hope that fights despair’s cold snare.
I reach for light, though shadows pull me back,
Determined steps upon a thorny track.

For even in the depths, a glint remains,
A flicker small that courses through my veins.
Though lost in dark, I feel its gentle kiss,
A beacon bright within the abyss.

I search for solace in the still of night,
Through tears and pain, I seek a distant light.
The echoes call, they tug at weary dreams,
In silent screams, the soul's own fragile seams.

Through bitter winds, the chill of sorrow's breath,
I walk the path between despair and death.
Yet in this realm, where shadows dare to dwell,
A silent strength begins to weave its spell.

For even in the void, a heart can rise,
With fragile wings, it reaches toward the skies.
In echoes deep, where darkness claims its throne,
A whisper of resilience softly moans.

So in the chasm, where the echoes play,
A flicker of a dawn begins to sway.
And though the night may linger, cold and vast,
A glimmering of hope will hold steadfast.



Rahul Jairaj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

An introvert by nature, but extrovert by thoughts - passionate Explorer of knowledge, making impact by writing. https://www.instagram.com/nira_heartnet/