
Let Me Pull Myself Up by My Bootstraps

Photo by omid bonyadian on Unsplash

I have been trying very hard to find a friend that loves at all times. I know that if anyone out there is in this same quest, I will never be their go-to person. Why? I don’t love at all times. I don’t love other people all the time, and I certainly don’t love myself all the time.

There have been days when I wished self-destruction. Was it love? I looked around and saw the stars in the darkness of the night twinkle once, only once, and disappeared. When I looked around I saw only shades of darkness. “What should I do with this faceless companion called night,” I asked myself. That’s when I felt like becoming one with it. Was it love to want to cease to exist? Maybe, but maybe not.

My search for a perfect friend has left me with an image of a beautiful countryside where no one but myself exists. I walk up and down the remote paths of loneliness, seeking for something I have lost, a version of myself that used to be happy, determined, and friendly.

I found him. I found him battered and bruised by circumstances beyond his control. I picked him up, shook him, and tried to revive him from his stupor. I failed.

I found him in a cave with eerie sounds of discouragement and frustration, hands and feet shackled by a lack of faith in his own abilities. He was blindfolded with indecision and confusion, and his garbs were rags of his own failures. I tried to help him. I failed.

I found him drenched in the rain of sorrow and affliction, self doubt, regrets, pain, lots of pain. He had become one with his suffering. I found it impossible to separate him from everything that kept him from becoming his best self. I couldn’t help him, because I was him, and he was me, and all my efforts felt like pulling myself up by my bootstraps.

Then I met Jesus. He came to me in the pages of Matthew 5 of the Christian Bible. The words he spoke were life to me. He healed me. The battles of life rage on, but I now have peace.



Harrison Chukwudike Ifeanacho
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

For the joy of stringing words, the pleasure of exploring ideas, and the sheer bliss of touching lives