
Monsoon Love

Photo Credit: Neeraj Sha, Pexels

Rahul Jairaj, 02.06.2024

"Under the monsoon’s embrace, love blooms like a thousand raindrops, timeless and true."

In the velvet hush of twilight’s embrace,
Where the sky meets the earth in a lover’s grace,
Clouds gather, grey with whispered desire,
Heralding the rains, setting hearts afire.

First drops fall, tender and light,
Kissing the earth with a lover’s might,
Petrichor rises, a scent so divine,
A symphony of nature, where souls intertwine.

Hand in hand, we walk through the mist,
Every raindrop a promise, every touch a tryst,
Eyes locked in a timeless dance,
Two hearts beating in silent romance.

Beneath the canopy of emerald leaves,
We seek refuge, where no one grieves,
The world fades in a watery blur,
Leaving only us, just we two, together.

Thunder rumbles, a bass to our song,
In this moment, we feel we belong,
Lightning paints the sky with fleeting light,
Echoing the spark in your eyes so bright.

Each raindrop tells a tale untold,
Of ancient loves and passions bold,
In the monsoon’s embrace, we find our place,
A sanctuary where love knows no haste.

Wet whispers of wind caress our skin,
Nature’s lullaby draws us in,
In your arms, the world stands still,
In your gaze, a dream fulfilled.

We dance in the rain, wild and free,
Every step a testament to our decree,
To love in the storm, to laugh in the rain,
To find joy in both pleasure and pain.

The night wraps us in a liquid veil,
Stars peek through, telling tales,
Of lovers past, who once knew,
The magic of a monsoon, just like we do.

As dawn breaks, the rain subsides,
But the essence of love, forever abides,
In the heart of the monsoon, we find,
A love eternal, intertwined.



Rahul Jairaj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

An introvert by nature, but extrovert by thoughts - passionate Explorer of knowledge, making impact by writing. https://www.instagram.com/nira_heartnet/