Mothers, you are!

The beginning, the middle, and the ending.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Mommy glue or super glue?

In the buzzing of creation amidst the wonders, God created the pillar of life, the super glue we need to help us survive.

The force that holds us together when we falter.

Even in times of rejection, Mommy dearest offers solace and refuge, a haven. Amid life’s storms, she is that serene strength, a guiding light.

Mothers! Even in the dead of night, when the world is asleep, they are up scurrying about.

They have a unique capacity for care and boundless love that transcends boundaries. They tirelessly toil with unmatched dedication.

Like worker bees tending to their hive, they are the queens of our households and leaders in our lives.

A divine gift deserving of continuous reverence, celebration, and boundless love—mothers, you are a blessing from above.

Be encouraged, be inspired!

