Moving Forward

Photo by Erda Estremera on Unsplash

Philippians 4:13 (NIV): “I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”

This verse emphasizes the belief in one’s ability to overcome challenges and achieve goals with the strength provided by God. It reminds us that with faith and determination, we can move forward despite the doubts of others.

Beyond the Voices of Doubt

In today’s fast-paced world, the voices of doubt seem louder than ever. Many people find themselves surrounded by naysayers who proclaim, “You can’t progress,” or “You cannot go so far.” These negative assertions can be disheartening, yet they serve as a crucial reminder of the importance of perseverance and resilience. We must strive to progress so far that these voices become distant echoes, barely audible in our journey towards success.

Once in a small village nestled between towering mountains and deep valleys, lived a young man named Eli. He was known for his dreams, aspirations, and relentless curiosity. Unlike many of his peers who accepted the village’s limitations, Eli yearned to explore the world beyond the mountains.

Eli often spoke of his dreams, sharing his plans to travel far and wide, to see the vast ocean, and to walk through cities bustling with life. However, his dreams were met with skepticism. Villagers would shake their heads and say, “You can’t progress, Eli. You cannot go so far. The world outside is not meant for us.”

These words echoed in his mind, sometimes making him doubt his own dreams. But Eli had a fire within him that refused to be extinguished. He decided that he would prove them wrong, not out of spite, but to show that it was possible to go beyond what others believed.

One morning, with a small bag packed and a heart full of hope, Eli set off on his journey. As he walked through the village, he could hear whispers of doubt trailing behind him, but he kept his eyes forward and his feet moving.

The first leg of his journey was arduous. The mountain paths were steep, and the cold wind bit at his face. Each step felt like a struggle, but with every step, Eli’s resolve grew stronger. The doubts of the villagers seemed to dissipate with the thinning air. At the peak, he looked back and saw his village as a tiny speck, the voices of doubt barely a murmur.

Descending into the valleys was another challenge. The path was treacherous, and Eli faced many setbacks. He slipped and fell, bruised and battered, but each fall taught him a lesson. In the quiet of the valley, he found solace and strength. The journey through the valley was slow, but it allowed him to reflect on his purpose and to gather wisdom.

Eli’s journey took him through forests and deserts, across rivers and plains. Each new terrain presented its own set of challenges, but also its own unique beauty. He met strangers who became friends, each offering stories and encouragement that bolstered his spirit.

Years passed, and Eli’s journey continued. He became known in distant lands for his resilience and determination. The more he traveled, the less he thought about the doubts that once plagued him. He realized that those doubts were never about his abilities, but about the limitations of those who doubted.

One day, as Eli stood on the shores of the vast ocean he had dreamed of seeing, he reflected on how far he had come. The doubts of the villagers were now a distant memory, inaudible against the roaring waves. He had progressed beyond their reach, both physically and mentally.

Eli sent a letter back to his village, not to boast, but to inspire. He wrote about the wonders he had seen and the strength he had found within himself. He urged them to believe in their own potential and to take steps, no matter how small, towards their dreams.

The letter reached the village, and slowly, the whispers of doubt turned into murmurs of possibility. Inspired by Eli’s journey, others began to dream and to take their own steps beyond the village boundaries.

Eli’s story became a legend, a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of moving forward despite the doubts of others. His journey proved that if you go far enough, you won’t hear the voices of doubt. Instead, you will find your own voice, strong and unwavering, guiding you towards your true potential.

The Power of Persistence

Life is a journey filled with challenges, obstacles, and voices that may try to hold us back. These voices can come from various sources — family, friends, colleagues, or even our own inner critic. However, the key to moving forward lies in the strength of our determination and the clarity of our vision.

When people say you cannot move forward, it is essential to understand that their words are often reflections of their own limitations and fears. Their doubts do not define your potential or your path. Instead, they highlight the necessity of cultivating a mindset focused on growth and self-belief.

Walking Through Mountains and Valleys

The journey towards progress is akin to traversing a diverse landscape. There will be mountains to climb, representing the significant challenges and goals that require immense effort and dedication. These peaks can seem daunting, but each step taken towards the summit brings you closer to your aspirations.

Similarly, the valleys symbolize the low points and setbacks that are an inevitable part of any journey. These moments can be discouraging, but they also provide opportunities for reflection, learning, and growth. By navigating through both the peaks and valleys, you develop the resilience needed to keep moving forward.

Progressing Beyond the Voices

One of the most liberating aspects of progress is reaching a point where the negative voices become insignificant. As you continue to advance, the doubts and criticisms fade into the background. Your achievements and forward momentum create a distance that drowns out the noise of negativity.

This distance is not just physical but also mental and emotional. By focusing on your goals and maintaining a positive outlook, you build an internal buffer against external negativity. This mental fortitude is crucial in ensuring that you remain steadfast on your path, undeterred by the doubts of others.

Keep Moving Forward

The essence of progress lies in the simple yet profound act of moving forward. Regardless of what people say, it is imperative to keep walking. Each step, no matter how small, is a testament to your commitment and determination. Embrace the journey with all its challenges and triumphs, for it is through this process that true progress is made.

Remember, the goal is to progress so far that the voices of doubt are no longer within earshot. This requires unwavering perseverance and a steadfast belief in your potential. As you continue to move forward, you will find that the negativity that once seemed overwhelming becomes nothing more than a distant whisper.

In a world where many proclaim limitations and impossibilities, it is vital to rise above the noise. Progress is not just about reaching a destination but about the journey itself — climbing mountains, walking through valleys, and pushing beyond the boundaries set by others.

By keeping your focus on moving forward and believing in your capabilities, you can achieve a level of progress where the doubts and criticisms are left far behind. So, keep going, and let your journey be defined by your resilience and determination.

The further you go, the less you will hear the voices of doubt, and the closer you will be to realizing your full potential.

God Bless!



Cecilia Jeyaraj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

Freelance Training Consultant cum Administrator Well-established and exposed to multi-industry experience