
Paths Untraveled

Photo Credit: Kaique Rocha, Pexels

Rahul Jairaj


"The road less traveled often leads to the most profound destinations."

In the vast expanse of life's grand design,
There lie paths untraveled, roads undefined,
Silent beckonings of the unseen,
Whispers of wonders yet to be gleaned.

We stand at the crossroads, hearts alight,
With dreams that shimmer in the night,
And choices that carve our destiny,
In the landscape of eternity.

Each step we take, each choice we make,
A ripple in the fabric of fate,
For life’s a journey, a quest untold,
A canvas where our stories unfold.

The paths untraveled call to the brave,
To those who dare, who seek, who crave,
Beyond the comfort of the known,
Into the wild, the overgrown.

For in the unknown lies a spark,
A flame to guide us through the dark,
To find the strength within our core,
And to become what we were destined for.

The roads less traveled are lined with fears,
With doubts that echo in our ears,
But courage is not the absence of dread,
It’s the will to press on, to forge ahead.

In the shadows of the forest deep,
Where secrets of the ancient sleep,
We find our truths, our hidden might,
And learn to trust in our own light.

For every twist and every turn,
A lesson learned, a wisdom earned,
The paths untraveled teach us more,
Than any paved or beaten floor.

In moments when the world stands still,
And we are faced with life’s harsh chill,
Remember the fire that burns inside,
A beacon of hope, a source of pride.

For those who wander are not lost,
They pay the price, they bear the cost,
To see the world through different eyes,
And touch the stars, and touch the skies.

So let us venture, bold and free,
Embrace the wild, the mystery,
For life is not a straightened road,
But a journey where our spirits grow.

And when we reach the twilight’s glow,
With hearts that know, with hearts that show,
That every step was worth the fight,
Every stumble, every night.

For in the end, we’ll find our peace,
In the paths untraveled, the sweet release,
Of knowing we lived with all our might,
And followed our dreams into the light.



Rahul Jairaj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

An introvert by nature, but extrovert by thoughts - passionate Explorer of knowledge, making impact by writing. https://www.instagram.com/nira_heartnet/