
Reconnecting: A Long Lost Soul

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The rain was pouring relentlessly that evening, matching the turmoil within me. I sat by the window, watching each droplet race down the glass, feeling more alone than ever. My life had become a series of blurred lines, and somewhere along the way, I had lost myself. It wasn't always like this. There was a time when I knew who I was, where I was headed. But now, as the storm raged outside, I realized I was a long lost soul in need of reconnection.

Rahul Jairaj , End: Dec 2006

Rebirth: Feb 2024

“Reconnecting with me once again”

The Disconnection

Back when everything seemed simpler, I was a vibrant, passionate individual. My days were filled with purpose, my nights with dreams. I thrived on the energy of new experiences and the joy of learning. But as responsibilities piled up and life’s challenges grew, I found myself drifting away from the person I once was. It wasn’t a sudden change—it happened gradually, almost imperceptibly. Yet, one day, I woke up and didn’t recognize the face in the mirror.

The disconnection felt like being adrift in a vast ocean with no land in sight. I was going through the motions, but the spark that once fueled my existence had dimmed. Friends and family noticed the change. They’d ask if I was okay, and I’d force a smile, not knowing how to explain the emptiness I felt inside. The laughter that once came easily now felt foreign, replaced by a constant undercurrent of anxiety and doubt.

The Turning Point

The turning point came on an unassuming day. I was cleaning out an old drawer when I stumbled upon a dusty journal from my college days. Flipping through its pages, I found myself immersed in the words of a younger me—full of dreams, hopes, and unfiltered thoughts. Each entry was a window into a past life, a life where I knew exactly who I was. The realization hit me hard: I had been neglecting the essence of my true self for far too long.

That evening, as I read through those pages, a deep longing stirred within me. I knew I had to find my way back, to reconnect with the person I once was. The journey wouldn’t be easy, but for the first time in a long while, I felt a flicker of hope.

The Journey

The first steps were tentative. I began by revisiting old hobbies that once brought me joy. Painting, which had always been a therapeutic escape, became my refuge again. I would lose myself in the swirl of colors and strokes, each creation a step closer to rediscovering my passion.

Next, I reached out to old friends with whom I had lost touch. Reconnecting with them felt like piecing together parts of a puzzle. We reminisced about the good times and laughed about our shared past. These interactions reminded me of the person I used to be—carefree, adventurous, and full of life.

The journey was not without its challenges. There were days when doubt and fear crept back in, making me question whether I could truly find myself again. But each setback was a lesson, a reminder that the path to reconnection was a process, not a destination.

Key Moments of Reconnection

One pivotal experience stands out vividly. It was a solo hike in the mountains, a place I had always found solace in during my younger years. The trail was demanding, much like my journey of self-discovery. As I reached the summit, exhausted but exhilarated, I felt a profound sense of accomplishment. Standing there, surrounded by the vast expanse of nature, I felt a deep connection to myself and the world around me.

Another significant moment was a heartfelt conversation with my parents. I opened up about my struggles, sharing the weight I had been carrying alone. Their unwavering support and understanding were like a balm to my wounded soul. It reminded me of the importance of vulnerability and the strength that comes from genuine connections.


As I continued on this path, I began to notice changes within myself. The anxiety that once clouded my mind started to lift, replaced by a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. I rediscovered passions I had long forgotten and found new ones that excited me.

One day, I looked in the mirror and saw someone I recognized—not just physically, but on a deeper level. I saw a person who had weathered storms and come out stronger, someone who had reconnected with their true essence.


My journey of reconnection was a transformative experience. It taught me that losing oneself is not the end, but rather an opportunity to rediscover and redefine who we are. Life's challenges can make us feel lost, but they also offer a chance to reconnect with what truly matters.

As I stand here now, I am not the same person I was before. I am stronger, more self-aware, and deeply connected to myself and the people around me. If you ever find yourself feeling like a long lost soul, remember that it’s never too late to embark on your own journey of reconnection. The path may be difficult, but the destination is worth every step.



Rahul Jairaj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

An introvert by nature, but extrovert by thoughts - passionate Explorer of knowledge, making impact by writing. https://www.instagram.com/nira_heartnet/