
Success Redefined: The Importance of Trying

Photo by Steven Erixon on Unsplash

There is a thin line between success and failure for me. It’s not just about the goals achieved; it’s about honor. Success is remaining honorable in my own estimation. When I face a challenge, I always find a way to accomplish it. The desire to succeed drives me to give it my best, even if failure is a huge possibility.

The way I see it, there are two forms of success involved: the success I feel because I tried, and the success I may achieve because of my efforts. To fail at the first level is catastrophic. It has the power to destroy a man. One must be master enough of oneself to do what ought to be done, without external impetus. This is how I feel about my life.

Once upon a time, I had the chance to compete for an entrepreneurial grant. I had no grand ideas and wasn’t an entrepreneur. But here was a challenge, and I couldn’t afford to fail to try. Winning the grant was not the issue; my self-esteem was. My mindset was that every opportunity should be exploited. If I do not take the chance, then I consider myself a failure.

I believe that everyone should judge themselves by a law they have given themselves. Mine is that I should succeed in making efforts. Effort is the fuel that keeps me going. I try, and sometimes I fail. But the failure does not hurt too much because I have succeeded in making the effort. For me, the greatest evil is not making an effort at all.



Harrison Chukwudike Ifeanacho
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

For the joy of stringing words, the pleasure of exploring ideas, and the sheer bliss of touching lives