The Gentle Embrace of Love and Freedom

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash

Don’t hold on to those who wish to leave,

Who yearn for a break, who seek reprieve.

Allow them to go, give them space, give them time,

For forcing them close is no reason nor rhyme.

When we cling tightly to those we adore,

We bind them with chains that they wish to ignore.

We might strengthen the bond in our own minds,

But in their hearts, freedom is what they find.

It’s a truth universal, in love and in friends,

If they’re meant to return, then that’s how it ends.

Whether it’s friendship or a romantic tie,

If they are meant to be with you, they will not say goodbye.

So, give them the space, and the time that they seek,

Let them breathe, let them find what they need.

If they are yours, they’ll come back anew,

With a bond that’s stronger, and love that is true.

Don’t struggle to keep them, don’t beg them to stay,

For love isn’t captured by forcing a way.

It flourishes freely, it thrives in the light,

It returns on its own when the moment is right.

Let them go if they wish, give them freedom and grace,

For if they truly love you, they’ll come back to your embrace.

Give them the time, give them the space,

And trust in the strength of love’s gentle embrace.

Thank you for reading. May God Bless!



Cecilia Jeyaraj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

Freelance Training Consultant cum Administrator Well-established and exposed to multi-industry experience