
The Old That is Strong does Not Whither

Photo by Natalia Blauth on Unsplash

Is there a reason, that makes the young so afraid of aging? Is it the increasing loss of ability to smother themselves with the fanciful empty pleasures of life? Some amongst us are wise and great, and they cling on to life passionately because they have have so much to offer. So much good to be done, and little time at their disposal.

When we were kids, why were we so eager to become adults? Probably because we associated it with freedom. As adults we realize the only truly free ones are the children, and the aged. Now as middle-aged, should we regret the loss of our childhood, or anticipate the hoary head. My take on this is to live in the present. We have to realize that every season of our life is a blessing.

Every birthday is a blessing, and as we celebrate, we look back upon our lives, and what do we see? Years laced with profound learning and experience. Those who take the journey of life one step at a time come to realize that the hoary head is a crown of glory.

When we live life passionately and purposefully, we come to realize that nothing is lost.

The spirit of God whispers to our heart, “all which you fancy are lost, I have stored for you at home.”



Harrison Chukwudike Ifeanacho
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

For the joy of stringing words, the pleasure of exploring ideas, and the sheer bliss of touching lives