
The Realm of Dreams

Photo Credit: Matheus Bertelli, Pexels

Rahul Jairaj


"Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you." - Marsha Norman

In the quiet hours when daylight fades,
And shadows lengthen across the glades,
The realm of dreams unfolds its gate,
Where fantasies roam, where dreams await.

A world where time has no hold,
Where stories are whispered, truths untold,
In twilight's embrace, where stars ignite,
Imagination takes its flight.

From the depths of sleep, we ascend,
To realms unknown, where dreams extend,
Beyond the reaches of mortal sight,
Where hopes alight, in soft moonlight.

In fields of gold and rivers blue,
Where dreams are born and dreams pursue,
We wander freely, without a care,
Through meadows of joy, through skies so rare.

Each dream a tapestry, rich and bright,
Painted with hues of the deepest night,
Visions that dance on silken strands,
Crafted by unseen hands.

In dreams, we scale the highest peak,
Touching stars that we dare to seek,
We sail on seas of endless blue,
Chasing horizons, old and new.

Through valleys deep, where echoes ring,
Where memories fade and echoes sing,
We glimpse the truths that lie within,
Unraveling mysteries, where dreams begin.

For dreams are whispers of the soul,
Guiding us toward our destined goal,
They weave the fabric of our desires,
Igniting the spark of inner fires.

In the realm of dreams, we find release,
A sanctuary, a place of peace,
Where fears dissolve and hopes ignite,
In the gentle glow of lunar light.

So embrace the dreams that softly call,
In the quiet moments, before nightfall,
For within each dream, a story unfolds,
A journey of the heart, in realms untold.

And as dawn breaks, and daylight gleams,
We carry with us the realm of dreams,
A treasure trove of visions bright,
Guiding us through both day and night.

In life’s tapestry, we weave our dreams,
Threads that never leave, shaping our path it seems.
They paint our skies, and in their embrace,
Our spirit soars to an enchanted place.

So dream on, dear dreamer, fearless and free,
For the realm of dreams is where you’ll be,
Forever bound, forever true,
In the realm of dreams, where dreams come true.



Rahul Jairaj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

An introvert by nature, but extrovert by thoughts - passionate Explorer of knowledge, making impact by writing. https://www.instagram.com/nira_heartnet/