The Tale of the Fisherman and the Frying Pan

Photo by Sticker Mule on Unsplash

A Lesson in Faith and Action

Once upon a time, there was a woman name Lydia who spent an entire day fishing at a peaceful lake. Despite her best efforts, she didn’t catch a single fish. Frustrated and disheartened, she watched as a man fishing nearby seemed to reel in one large fish after another. Each time he caught a fish, it was a big, magnificent one. To her amazement and growing annoyance, the man would inspect each large fish briefly before throwing it back into the water.

Unable to contain her frustration any longer, she approached the man and asked, “Why are you throwing back all those big fish? I haven’t caught anything all day, and you’re just discarding the biggest ones!”

The man looked at her calmly and replied, “I have a small frying pan at home. These big fish don’t fit in my pan, so I throw them back. I’m waiting for a small one that will fit.”

The woman was stunned by his response. Here she was, desperate for any fish, while the man was letting go of perfect opportunities simply because his pan was too small. As she reflected on this, she realized there was a deeper lesson to be learned.

This story is a powerful metaphor for our lives and our faith. Often, we are like the man with the small frying pan, letting go of big opportunities and blessings because we believe they don’t fit into our current circumstances or capabilities. We might have dreams and aspirations, but our “frying pan” of faith and readiness is too small to hold the big blessings that come our way.

The difference between dreams and reality is action. To bridge that gap, we need to expand our faith and our readiness to seize opportunities. It’s about preparing ourselves to handle the big blessings and challenges that come our way, rather than waiting for smaller, more manageable ones.

The distance between our dreams and reality is indeed called action. Taking steps of faith, expanding our vision, and being ready to embrace bigger opportunities can transform our life. Don’t settle for an ordinary life when we have the potential to achieve extraordinary things.

Remember, the Lord has set us up for greatness. If we enlarge our frying pan — our capacity to dream and act — we can be the game changer in our own life. So, next time we faced with a big opportunity, don’t throw it back. Instead, take action and have faith that we can handle it. Expand our frying pan and embrace the blessings and opportunities that come our way.



Cecilia Jeyaraj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

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