

Photo Credit: Tim Gouw, Pexels

Rahul Jairaj, 16.06.2024

"Through resilience and love, the journey of self-discovery becomes a testament to our spirit."

In moments hushed, where choices must be made,
I stand alone, the ticking clock my guide,
A path ahead, where light and shadow played,
The future waits, where fears and hopes collide.

With heart resolved, I face the forked road's bend,
A breath drawn deep, my courage now ignites,
Through whispers past and dreams that never end,
I choose the path where dawn defeats the nights.

No fear shall bind me to the shadows' gloom,
For in my soul, a flame of hope does burn,
To seek the light, to chase away the doom,
And in the end, the truth I shall discern.

Each step I take, a promise to uphold,
To trust in fate, to let my spirit soar,
In every choice, a story yet untold,
With steadfast heart, my destiny explore.

Through trials faced and lessons dearly learned,
With every turn, a brighter future earned.

As echoes fade of what was left behind,
I stride with purpose, ever forward bound,
For in the labyrinth of the mind,
The seeds of strength and wisdom can be found.

The stars above, they guide my weary soul,
Their gentle light a beacon in the night,
Through darkest hours, they whisper of the goal,
To find within the courage to ignite.

The road is long, the journey fraught with pain,
Yet every step reveals a new embrace,
Of what could be, the loss becomes the gain,
A testament to life's enduring grace.

In friends and kin, I find my strength renewed,
Their voices blend to form a guiding choir,
With every word, my confidence accrued,
Their faith in me, a flame that won’t expire.

The tempest rages, yet I stand my ground,
For in my heart, a melody so sweet,
It sings of dreams that in resolve are found,
Of battles won and challenges to meet.

And when at last the dawn of hope appears,
The shadows flee, the doubts begin to fade,
I’ll walk with pride, beyond the vale of fears,
Into a world that I myself have made.

The ultimatum, not a curse, but choice,
A chance to claim the life I truly seek,
With every step, I find my own true voice,
In every breath, the strength to be unique.

So let the journey be my testament,
To resilience, to courage, and to love,
For in the end, my spirit’s true ascent,
Is guided by the stars that shine above.



Rahul Jairaj
Strength By The Sea Writers Cabana Publication

An introvert by nature, but extrovert by thoughts - passionate Explorer of knowledge, making impact by writing. https://www.instagram.com/nira_heartnet/