Who am I?

“Baby, I’m me, so who are you?”


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Ever struggled with a dull knife while cooking?

It’s frustrating, right? It takes way more effort, like those late-night questions that creep in: Who am I? What have I accomplished?

They gnaw at your confidence, playing tricks on your progress.

You find yourself doubting, hesitating, and running away. Quitting early instead of facing uncertainties.

The iron is blunt, and if one does not sharpen the edge, he must use more strength, but wisdom helps one to succeed. Ecclesiastes 10:10

Wisdom is enough to cut through life’s hardest surface, getting you where you should be.

You’re stronger than you realize. Remember Moses and his staff? Like him, you have untapped potential within.

You’re capable, compassionate, intelligent, and uniquely you.

Be kind to yourself. Shower yourself with grace and love.

With the power you possess, the world is at your mercy.

Be encouraged, be inspired!

