Taking Control of Your Environment to Control Stress

When thinking about stress management there is one extremely effective method that surprisingly isn’t something people immediately think of. That method is to simply avoid unnecessary stress. When it comes to stress much of it is caused by stuff we can easily avoid. One thing that can help with this is learning to say no to people. It is sometimes to say no people when they ask for a favor or need help with something but the reality is at a certain point you have to say no. always saying yes can cause you to have to many responsibilities, causing you greater stress than necessary. Another method is to avoid the people who stress you out. If you are finding that there is one person who is constantly causing you problems and extra stress maybe it is best to avoid that person or at least limit the time you spend with them. Another method to avoid unnecessary stress is to take control of your environment. There are many different things within this you can do. One of them being If what’s going on in the world freaks and stresses you out avoid the news, let you focus on yourself. Another part of this is controlling your to-do list. If you have to much to do maybe it is time to find the tasks that aren’t necessary and to forget about them. having a less cramped schedule and more time to relax will help you de-stress. I do this by looking at my personal to-do list and weighing the priorities of each part. I ask myself “what here is unnecessary and what here doesn’t have to be done yet?” this allows me to keep control of my schedule and gives more time to focus on the important things which helps me to manage my stress.

