Even the stars

(learn how to fall)

Fox Kerry
Theology of Sorts


A prophet has his senses over-taken again. He isn’t sleeping. But dreams they do come.

The visiting winds make sure he hears them.

“We have heard a report from the One who does not lie. News of a future from He who will not fail. Be ready to tell again a thing which they will not wish to hear.”

The prophet could not stop his ears. This was part of his life now.

“Tell Edom and tell the people. A message has come against the nations. Rise up! Rise up against Edom. Prepare for the moment when men rush against men for the pulling down of cities.

Tell Edom. Tell it that I, the living God, will pull it down Myself, from its high and unattackable places.

None should think they could hide from the Living God, who is no man. Who is crippled or shackled in no way. Who wearies or frightens not.

Edom, I will make you small. I will make you most shameful and tiny of all nations, you who had been high and unapproachable before this day when I come against you.

All will hate you, and pity will not find you. For God has set His face against you. There is no rallying hope when Heaven has come to face you as an Enemy of your choosing.

You let your heart deceive you. You covered yourself in pride as the outfit of your choosing. You hid yourself in the cleft of a rock.

But forget not, I made the eagle.

You have said ‘who will bring me down?’.

And though you soar like a mighty predator. Up where the stars are king above sky. From there, I will yet bring you down.

For I am no man. You have set yourself against Power.

Now you learn how to fall.



Fox Kerry
Theology of Sorts

If you paint for me even one thing which is true, perhaps I’ll be tempted to consider two. I tell tales poetically, someone else needs to set them to music.