True Peril

(the Guarding of the Spark)

Fox Kerry
Stretching the book to fit the culture. . .


When all you can see is the ground, people know your hope is weak. You know it.

My eyes has been low for some time. They bore their way through the broken rocks of mountains long ago.

But then, when death was all around me, and I was not ready for it, I looked up.

I looked up, to the hills, that had always been surrounding. I looked up, because sometimes, you need to hope again, even more than you are worried your hopes will be dashed again.

I looked up to the hills.

I looked up, from where my hope comes.

I remembered once again that it was not the earth that provided it.

I looked up to the hills.

My help comes from the Person who made the hills, and higher above who made the sky, and above all that who made the stars.

He from whom my help comes.

I remembered how He had said,

“I will not let your foot slip.”

how He had said,

“I do not fall asleep or lose My watch.”

Indeed, He who keeps guard over His people will neither day dream nor lose any consciousness.

The King of everything is your shade at your right hand. The sun will not mar or bake you by day. The moon will not poison you by night.

The King of everything will keep you from true peril. He will watch Himself over the spark of your life.

He sees you when you are coming,

beholds you when you are going.

This is what goes on now.

It will never stop happening.

Oh Israel of His heart. . . .



Fox Kerry
Stretching the book to fit the culture. . .

If you paint for me even one thing which is true, perhaps I’ll be tempted to consider two. I tell tales poetically, someone else needs to set them to music.