MPST Sales Leadership Quadrant

How my MPST Quadrant shapes my strategy as a VP of Sales in SaaS

Grant Hanson
3 min readJan 18, 2023


Some time ago, after wrestling with all the things I needed to do as a first time VP of Sales, and how to compartmentalize my daily, weekly, monthly tasks — I came up with a simple framework that has helped keep me in check. Specifically:

  • Provide a check and balance when things get crazy (Am I spending time on things that matter?)
  • Recenter, reorganize my direction (where does the business need me the most?)
  • Spot focus areas to work on as a team and as leader (where do we have gaps as a team, how can I as a leader help coach)
  • Plan for the new quarter, year etc.

I tend to need acronyms and weird word associations to help me remember things like this, so after trying to come up with something more clever — I kept referring to this by a simple abbreviation and it stuck. I’ve used this ever since:


Let’s expore what this means in a bit more detail:

M = Metrics and Money


  • Quotas
  • Inputs v. outputs (You have input and outputs. Output (ACV) is dictated by inputs. What are these KPIs, OKRs etc.)
  • ACV, ASP, Closing % (How can you increase each of these?)
  • Sales cycle (what does this tell you?)
  • Pipeline velocity (how fast are you moving deals through the funnel to close?


  • Does comp plan incentivize proper outcomes?
  • Spiff/accelerators (quarterly, yearly to incentivize and reward the right behaviors and focus)
  • Options/rsu, Sign on bonuses, draw/ramp and how this helps recruit and retain personnel.

P = Process and People


  • Sales process (outbound, inbound, discovery process, speed to lead)
  • Sales methodology (MEDDPICC, SPIN etc.)
  • Internal sales process (how difficult is it to get pricing, proposals, approvals cleared)
  • Open to close process (what’s the process to open, move, and close deals within the company?)
  • Renewals and success (What does the customer upsell and renewal plan look like?)


  • Do we have the right people to implement our defined process?
  • What’s our headcount for growth? Where do we need help?
  • Capacity plans and alignment

S = Systems and Strategy


  • What are the systems and stack we are using? Are these tools efficient?
  • Any room for optimization?


  • Sales, pricing, expansion strategy
  • Outbound vs. Inbound strategy
  • Territory vs. Verticals vs.
  • Account planning and penetration tactics
  • What is our ICP and how do we reach them?

T = Teach and Train

Carve out time as a team, and via 1:1s each week/month to teach and train on specific aspects from each of the quadrants such as:

  • Teach on inputs and corresponding outputs
  • Train on KPIs, systems, stack, etc.
  • Teach process and role play
  • Train on sales methodology via practice and game tape
  • Teach internal sales process improvements

Final thoughts:

As you look at your day to day and week to week as a sales leader, my bet is that you can often look at any part of the MPST quadrant to teach, train and improve or optimize.

Whether you are just starting your career as a sales leader, or planning the year ahead, go through this exercise and see what areas you can find that may need some extra attention.




Grant Hanson

VP Sales. Writing about sales leadership, SaaS and technology. Productivity chaser. Subscribe to my newsletter at: