Referencing Roberge

Grant Hanson
Published in
5 min readOct 21, 2020

As a follow up to a previous piece on Jason Lemkin — I wanted to feature another SaaS sales rockstar in Mark Roberge.

I don’t know what I’m more jealous of — his HAIR or the just-as-covetable success he’s been part of. If there is one person to talk about growth (hair included) it’s probably Mark.

If you’re new to the Roberge References — I’ll let his twitter bio make the introduction:

MD @Stage2Capital, Prof @HarvardHBS. Former CRO@HubSpot (and Co-Founder). Sales scientist. MIT quant. Family man. Author of Best Seller The Sales Acceleration Formula.

Is that it? 😉

Here we go. In this post we’re going to cover a few of Mark’s highlights including:

  • The Sales Acceleration Formula (Book Review and Summaries)
  • 10 Sales Leadership Lessons from 10 Years at Hubspot
  • Restarting Growth During Covid

Plus a ton of great podcast links, articles and insights from THE Professor Roberge…

The Sales Acceleration Formula

One of the books I recommend most in my journey as a Sales Leader in SaaS is Mark Roberge’s The Sales Acceleration Formula. The book consists of 5 Parts — each broken down and explained with a few chapters to prove merit. Specifically:

  1. The Sales Hiring Formula
  2. The Sales Training Formula
  3. The Sales Management Formula
  4. The Demand Generation Formula
  5. Technology and Experimentation

I’m not going to attempt to summarize the book — in fact — there are several great summaries already including THIS one by Chili Piper as well as THIS one by Jeremey Donovan amongst others. But — HIGHLY RECOMMEND picking up a copy. You can do so below (affiliate link)👇

Get the book HERE

10 Sales Leadership Lessons From 10 Years at Hubspot

  1. Develop the buyer journey and THEN the sales process to support it.
  2. Most Important Sales Training occurs when salespeople walk in their buyers shoes
  3. Missed revenue targets are more often a symptom of bad planning than bad execution
  4. There is no universal criteria for top salespeople. The ideal sales hiring criteria is unique to your business and must be engineered prior to scaling
  5. Entice prospects with education rather than product demos
  6. Sales coaching is the most important lever to drive sales productivity. Practice metrics-driven sales coaching
  7. Issues with customer success are often solvable through the sales compensation plan
  8. Optimize demand generation requirements around a 40-hour work week rather than a pre-determined quota to drive sales productivity
  9. The greatest motivation factor is a formalized career growth plan
  10. Minimize friction in customer handoffs by pushing the cross-functional alignment as close to the front-line as possible

Read full article HERE

Restarting Growth During Covid

Pertinent podcast I came across recently. Mark talks with SalesLoft CEO Kyle Porter on what a sales org should be focusing on right now as we restart during Covid. Show notes:

There’s no shortage of talk about uncertainty right now. So what’s a sales org to do? If Mark Roberge, Managing Director of Stage 2 Capital, could make only one recommendation, it would be this: Pivot boldly.

Fortunately, he shares even more recommendations. Mark warns against the danger of late pivots and provides a neat formula for measuring customer retention from short-term data.

Listen to full Podcast HERE.


Leading the Leaders

In Mark Roberge’s book — The Sales Acceleration Formula — he references one of the key traits he hires for is COACH-ABILITY. I love this. I feel like as leaders — we too, need to have this same mindset. As coaches ourselves, we need be coachable.

WHO and WHERE do we look to for guidance?

History has some great examples of wildly successful leaders being influenced and mentored in how they think and act by others. The greatest leaders had their own leaders and mentors.

Let’s take a look at a few examples…



Thanks for reading!

My hope is if you find this valuable follow me here on Medium!

— Grant 👋



Grant Hanson

VP Sales. Writing about sales leadership, SaaS and technology. Productivity chaser. Subscribe to my newsletter at: