Stribling Insiders: Anna Hargraves Hall

Stribling & Associates
Published in
4 min readNov 30, 2018

Anna’s passion for helping her clients and for the real estate industry as a whole is evident in every aspect of her career. Her background in Social Work provides her with unique negotiating abilities as she is able to approach every deal from a psychological perspective which her clients — both buyers and sellers — appreciate. She works at Stribling with her husband, James, and together they have brokered countless deals across NYC. Outside of the office, Anna is passionate about food, travel, and taking advantage of outdoor activities in every season. We caught up with Anna to chat about how social work complements her real estate career, her favorite travel destinations, and how her mother jump-started her foray into residential brokerage:

When did you first get into residential real estate and why?

I started in the business right after finishing graduate school at Columbia (MSW) and getting married. I had always been interested in real estate- my mom has been a broker on Long Island since I was four, so I grew up surrounded by it. I loved watching and hearing my mom work with buyers and sellers- the marketing, the negotiating — the way she was able to bridge divides with the right perspective and attitude. It was fascinating to watch her reach successful conclusions in so many different ways. I used to pour through the Sunday real estate section in The New York Times and loved knowing what was on the market and where prices were heading. I assumed everyone loved the business as much as I did. It had always been my mom’s domain but then I began to realize that I might actually enjoy working in the business. After graduate school, I began to really think hard about a career and family and how to combine the two. Real estate was a natural conclusion to that line of thinking.

What is your favorite part about being a real estate agent?

There are so many parts that I love: the fact that each day is different. The way each deal is totally unique with its own set of challenges and solutions. That you get to work with so many different people and properties. The ability to help people as they make these really huge decisions. And I have to be honest and say I love my colleagues — working at Stribling is really amazing and not only are the other brokers supportive and helpful but our staff is extraordinary. I feel like they would do just about anything I asked, and do it happily with a smile on their faces.

Why did you choose Stribling & Associates?

When I spoke to my mom about my interest in real estate, she talked with the managers in her office at Daniel Gale in Long Island. They all said “Stribling” and then set-up a meeting for me to talk with Libba about the business. She was fantastic, very supportive and enthusiastic and offered me a job on the spot working as Caddie Eland’s assistant. I wanted to begin with a top broker to learn how the best brokers conducted their business and I was so fortunate to work with Caddie. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of buildings, floorplans, board guidelines, and she is a very smart, very professional woman who has done extraordinarily well. She is very low key about it all but she is really a powerhouse.

Do you have a favorite neighborhood and why?

I like each neighborhood for different reasons but I really love Greenwich Village and Brooklyn Heights. They feel like small pockets of old NY and are so beautiful.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Anything outside — ski, hike, bike, tennis — I love to exercise. Reading anything at all, even a cereal box! And I love to cook. For me food is everything — health, love, the planet, community, connection. I also volunteer at a Monday night seated dinner service for people in need. It is amazing to see who needs a free meal.

What is an achievement of which you are most proud?

That’s a hard one. Not sure but I would say my marriage and our two kids. I feel lucky and proud to have the family I do. It doesn’t happen by accident and we all work at being kind, considerate and respectful, and having FUN together.

Favorite book?

I love to read so this is really hard but probably Shantaram and The Power of One

Favorite movie?

The Little Princess, The Princess Bride, Out of Africa, The Big Blue, LaLa Land. I have a lot!

Favorite travel destination?

Anywhere. I love to travel. Africa is pretty amazing and it’s not the kind of place you go to and say “ok, I’ve done that. Next!” It is the kind of place you want to go back to over and over again.

Favorite meal?

Really outstanding sushi.

If you weren’t a real estate agent, what would you be?

Food entrepreneur.

If there is anything else we should know about you?

I am sure there is but you will have to ask if you want to know!

