Stribling Insiders: Karen Foley

Stribling & Associates
Published in
2 min readJun 26, 2018

Though originally from Greenwich Village, Karen Foley is quintessentially Brooklyn. Although she’s traveled across the globe, she loves her Brooklyn Heights neighborhood and all the art galleries, museums, and cultural events the Borough has to offer. She has worked in design direction, marketing and licensing for companies such as Fendi, Bijoux, Movado, and Valentino Accessories, among others. We caught up with Karen to chat about her affinity for Japanese art and cuisine (especially if it’s Nobu!), and why she jumped from fashion to real estate:

Karen Foley

When did you first get into residential real estate and why?

Until September 11th, I was in the fashion business and travelled extensively in Europe. As I was a single parent, at that point I decided it might be safer to take a job closer to home. We were living in Brooklyn Heights, so the real estate business seemed a great fit. The public was just really starting to discover Brooklyn, so it was very exciting time to start in the business.

What is your favorite part about being a real estate agent?

I really enjoy meeting new customers, and have been lucky to have met some very interesting people I would not have been in contact with otherwise. For example, I have sold properties to a prominent music producer, a Broadway conductor and am currently working with a client who creates scents.

Why did you choose Stribling & Associates?

Initially, I started with a small firm, and then moved to a larger one. I was intrigued with Stribling as it combines the best elements of both. The Stribling tagline “The right broker makes all the difference” also impressed me, as it focused on the individual relationship of broker to client, not a somewhat abstract corporate culture.

Do you have a favorite neighborhood and why?

It is hard to have a special favorite in Brooklyn, as each area has its own special character. We have the Brooklyn Museum and Botanical Gardens, and so many unique coffee shops, boutiques and amazing events like the Mermaid Parade.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I collect folk art, Japanese prints and early photography, so I either visit with dealers or go to the Antique Shows.

What is an achievement of which you are most proud?

I am most proud of raising a wonderful son.

Favorite book?

The Medium is the Message by Marshall McCluhan

Favorite movie?

Broken Arrow with James Stewart and Jeff Chandler

Favorite travel destination?

I haven’t gone yet, but would love to visit Dubai

Favorite Meal?

Anything at Nobu

If you weren’t a real estate agent, what would you be?

A gallery owner

