Reading List #13

Nina Stolpestad
Published in
1 min readJul 14, 2017

From sound reactive posters to city models built by AI and adaptive icons. Here is a fresh reading list with our picks of the week.

Computerized Forms is a cool collaboration between hybrid designer and developer Daniel Givens and Web Audio API. The site pairs the work of designers and musicians and creates a series of sound reactive posters that run in your browser.

Cities are constantly changing and with artificial intelligence being pushed into every area of our lives, Katharine Schwab explores how machine learning can help us further our understanding of urbanism in her article AI Is Reshaping What We Know About Cities.

The release of Android O allows app developers create icons that will have different shapes for different devices. In Designing Adaptive Icons Nick Butcher provides you with guiding principles, his sketch file and further resources as support in designing an adaptive icon for you app.

STRICHPUNKT DESIGN is one of Germany’s most honored design agencies based in Berlin & Stuttgart. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram to keep in touch with us and our latest work.

