Strictly Curious Newsletter №53

Strictly Curious
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2018


Monday! I hope that you all have a nice weekend!
(Quick note: I won’t be publishing another newsletter until the beginning of the 2019)


Internet: How China built its own internet? Link

Leadership: 21 lessons from Jeff Bezos’ annual letters to shareholders. Link

Startups: UK Unicorns — the complete billion dollar startup list (by Beauhurst). Link

Creativity: These 5 questions kill creativity. If you find you’re asking yourself any of them, just stop. Link

Innovation: Jony Ive (Apple Design Chief) talks switching between creative curiosity and problem-solving during the design process. Link

Startups: Game-changing startups 2019 (by CB Insights). Link

Teamworking: When people would rather work with competent jerks than likeable fools. Link

Leadership: 13 years after Steve Jobs said his mortality was a crucial tool for decision-making, people are writing their own eulogies as a career exercise. Link

Blog Posts

Humanity: From gene editing to AI. How will technology transform humanity? Five big thinkers: Regina Barzilay, George Church, Jennifer Egan, Catherine Mohr and Siddhartha Mukherjee puzzle over the future of the future. Link

Managing yourself: Why it’s easier to make decisions for someone else. We seem to see the best solution with a clarity and decisiveness that is often absent when we face our own quandaries. Link

Interesting Numbers

Automotive industry: VW embarks on $50 billion electrification plan. Link

Longevity: Poor die nearly 10 years earlier than rich in the UK, study says. Link

Video: The astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson thinks Elon Musk will prove to have a much bigger influence on society


Success: The psychology of success relies on disappointment. Link

Music: Are Pop lyrics getting more repetitive? Link

Retail Therapy

Snap to release new Spectacles with two cameras for $350 Link


“A ship in thre harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.”

(John A. Shedd)



Strictly Curious

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Professor and Associate Dean for Entrepreneurship (@Cassbusiness). Speaker, Advisor and Angel Investor (