Strictly Curious Newsletter №63

Strictly Curious
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2019



Artificial Intelligence: The USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) wants to know if artificial intelligence can own the content it creates. And it wants the public to weigh in. Link

Activist investors: New research from Columbia Business School finds that third-party activism in corporate governance can increase the longevity and sustainability of a company’s innovation. Link

Social Media: Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales launches Twitter and Facebook rival. Wikipedia co-founder says WT:Social is an effort to combat ‘clickbait’. Link

Sustainability: Startups are developing plant-based alternatives to silk. Link

DTC: SMS is the new email. DTC (Direct-To-Consumer) brands are getting into text messaging. Link

The billionaire effect: A relatively small number of entrepreneurs have been the agents of change, applying new technologies and business models. The “Billionaires insights 2019” report, analyzes how entrepreneurs’ businesses have excelled. Long-term vision, smart risk-taking, business focus and determination have resulted in businesses’ outperformance. Link

Airbnb: Promises to verify all 7 million listings after VICE report exposes scam. The company’s CEO said in an email that the company would undertake a year-long project to ensure every listing is advertised accurately. Link

Hedge Funds: The making of the world’s greatest investor. Jim Simons was a middle-aged mathematician in a strip mall who knew little about finance. He had to overcome his own doubts to turn Wall Street on its head. Link

Investing: Why investors might want to bet on humble CEOs. A study suggests that analysts underestimate the earnings potential of companies run by modest leaders. Link

Trends: Deep Tech Trends 2019 (by the global venture capital firm SOSV). Link

M&A: Businesses that focus on innovation are more likely to be acquired — and command a higher price when they are. Link

Mobility: Autonomous flying taxis will arrive by 2031, says Volocopter. They will be accessible to everyone, not just for VIPs, says the German startup. Link

Science: Failing 15% of the time is the best way to learn, say scientists. Researchers say they have discovered the ‘Goldilocks’ zone’ where people learn the fastest. Link

Interesting tool: Learn to read weak signals. Link

Blog Posts

Technology: Managing your friendships, with software. A slew of new start-ups wants to help people manage their relationships the way they would sales leads. Should we be worried about our friends turning us into data points? Link

Technology: The rise of microchipping: are we ready for technology to get under the skin? Link

Interesting Numbers

Social Media: TikTok surpasses 1.5 billion downloads — with almost 500M in India. Link

Entertainment: Disney+ hits 10M subscribers in 24 hours. Link

Video: The spectacular rise and fall of WeWork


Architecture: The rise of ‘facadism’ in London. Link

Space Exploration: New NASA app puts you in the pilot’s seat of Boeing’s Starliner or SpaceX’s Crew Dragon. Link

Retail Therapy

A 3D print-out you could call home. Using concrete and giant printers, home building may one day be much faster and cheaper. Link


“Old friends cannot be created out of hand. Nothing can match the treasure of common memories, of trials endured together, of quarrels and reconciliations and generous emotions”.

(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)



Strictly Curious

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Professor and Associate Dean for Entrepreneurship (@Cassbusiness). Speaker, Advisor and Angel Investor (