Strictly Curious Newsletter №68

Strictly Curious
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2020


Monday! Hope you had a wonderful weekend, everyone. :)


World-changing idea: Paris’s mayor has a dream of ‘the 15-minute city’. Mayor Anne Hidalgo is running for reelection with the idea of making the city a place where everyone can reach their work, home, and any amenity within a 15-minute bike ride. Link

Corporate innovation: Companies innovate more when their boards include women. Link

Surveillance: The Metropolitan Police service begins operational use of Live Facial Recognition (LFR) technology. Link

Retail 2020: 10 retail-tech startup trends (Great insights from Coresight Research). Link

Social networks: Why private micro-networks could be the future of how we connect. Forget amassing likes or cultivating your online persona. Apps like Cocoon are all about being your true self with just a select few people. Link

Unicorn brands: An analysis of the most popular unicorn companies. Link

Workplace: Faking emotions at work does more harm than good. Faking your emotions at work to appear more positive likely does more harm than good, according to researchers. They say those who try to be genuinely positive with their co-workers reap ‘significant benefits’. Link

Productivity: This is why surfing the web can make you more productive at work. More recent research has found that using the internet at work for personal purposes may also have some positive outcomes. Link

Startup teams: How to fix the co-founder fights you’re sick of having — Lessons from couples therapist Esther Perel. Link

Storytelling: Triumph, embrace or offset? Entrepreneurs have different storytelling styles for presenting business closure. Link
Wearable computing: Apple’s ‘Finger Devices’: Wearable computing’s next big thing? Apple’s ‘finger devices’ patent application could signal a solution to various consumer tech challenges. Link

Autonomous cars: Cruise unveils its driverless Origin car for shared ownership. Autonomous vehicle startup Cruise has revealed its first self-driving, electric car designed for shared ownership, which has no steering wheel or pedals. Link

Blog Posts

Personal health: Looking on the bright side may be good for your health. A number of recent long-term studies has linked greater optimism to a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and other chronic ailments and to fostering “exceptional longevity.” Link

Innovation: The business case for becoming a Jack-of-all-trades. Link

Interesting Numbers

Oscars 2020: Netflix has 24 Academy Award nominations across eight different films. Link

Trust: 2019 Edelman Trust Barometer Global Report. Link

Music: Soundcloud, with more than 200m tracks on its platform, saw 12-monthly revenue run-rate top $200M last year. Link

Tech: How much are we paying for our subscription services? A Lot. Link

Video: Why books are here to stay


Economy: In U.S., Library visits outpaced trips to movies in 2019. Link

Entertainment: Horror movies manipulate brain activity expertly to enhance excitement. Link

Restaurants: The economics of all-you-can-eat buffets. Is it possible to out-eat the price you pay for a buffet? How do these places make money? Link

Children: American kids want to be famous on YouTube, and kids in China want to go to space. Link

Retail Therapy

The Mamba Mentality: How I Play is Kobe Bryant’s personal perspective of his life and career on the basketball court and his exceptional, insightful style of playing the game. Link


“With realization of one’s own potential and self-confidence in one’s ability, one can build a better world.”
(Dalai Lama)



Strictly Curious

Innovation & Entrepreneurship Professor and Associate Dean for Entrepreneurship (@Cassbusiness). Speaker, Advisor and Angel Investor (