Stride v14.0.0 — Pegasus Release

Stride Community Updates
3 min readAug 31, 2023


Stride will be upgrading to the v14.0.0 tag, also known as the “Pegasus Release.” This upgrade is scheduled to occur at block height 5,223,225 estimated to take place on Thursday, August 31st, 2023, at 11:15:55 UTC. Please stay tuned to the Stride chain for the most accurate estimate due to potential variations in block times.

This upgrade includes a number of notable changes and fixes, including: adding support for LSM (Liquid Staking Module), initializing the airdrops for several outstanding chains, some improvements to the recently introduced ICA Oracle, and some changes to vesting accounts.

LSM Support

This upgrade to Stride v14 brings support for the long-anticipated Liquid Staking Module (LSM), a module being added to the Cosmos Hub geared towards offering a seamless conversion of staked assets into liquid staked assets without the need for unbonding. The unbonding period, during which staking rewards are halted, is a significant deterrent for many in the staking community. It curtails their earning potential and prevents users from promptly leveraging their tokens in other lucrative DeFi activities. For instance, if a user desires to contribute to a liquidity pool, the unbonding wait time poses a challenge, as they must first unbond their tokens before they can participate in the pool. The Liquid Staking module aims to address and alleviate such constraints. You can find a more in-depth details on how the LSM will function here.

The Cosmos Hub is gearing up to integrate the LSM on block height 1,698,500. This integration is projected to take place on Wednesday, September 13th, 2023, at precisely 15:00:00 UTC. In the aftermath of this integration, users can look forward to a streamlined staking experience, with the ability to liquid stake their ATOM with Stride seamlessly and directly from a staked position.

Airdrop Updates

In addition to the Liquid Staking module, this upgrade paves the way for enhanced STRD token diversity by introducing support for airdrops for Injective, Comdex, Sommelier, and Umee stakers. With millions of STRD already claimed across various Cosmos blockchains since the initiation of the Stride Airdrop Program , the recent integrations further emphasize Stride’s vision of decentralization and enriching its platform experience for all Cosmonauts. More information about these upcoming airdrops can be found here.

Other Updates

In the recent updates to the ICA Oracle that was introduced in the v13 release, there has been a notable shift in the handling of the stToken denom. While previously the denom was passed to the ICA Oracle Contract as presented on Stride (like stuosmo), the approach has been refined to reflect its representation on Osmosis, adopting a format such as ibc/{hash(transfer/channel-X/stuosmo)}. This was achieved by incorporating the Stride-Osmosis channel ID during contract instantiation, enabling the contract to determine the denom hash before committing it to the store

You can find the full changelog here:

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