Strike: What moves us

Santiago Rosenblatt
Published in
4 min readMay 5, 2021

New logo

After a lot of hard work and final touches, last week we presented our new logo and the response of our followers was amazing! (Some of our followers from US, UK, Sweden, Australia, Germany, Uruguay and Argentina are receiving hoodies: yay!)

However, our logo wasn’t just a random design. As it reflects what we are and what we care about, it was important to tell you a bit more about ourselves.

Our new logo is strictly related to our purpose, core values and brand promises so that’s what we are going to elaborate a bit more below.


Make cybersecurity available and accessible for every enterprise, being it bigger or just starting up.

Core values

  • Before you blink: help others be secure fast, without delays in the process, so that the people and companies that work with us are aware of the vulnerabilities and how to fix them as soon as possible.
  • Be honest: always be honest and transparent about what is happening and what we think, both internally (Strike’s workforce) and externally (companies who trust and rely in us).
  • Stay humble: it doesn’t matter how much one may know or be good at something, there is always someone that is going to be more knowledgeable. Keeping your humility will allow you to be open minded and grow both personally and professionally by listening and interacting with others.
  • We do it together: we work as a team and everyone is part of what we are doing. Strike couldn’t be and wont’t be great if we don’t work as a team, so helping and interacting with each other is a priority.
  • Empower others: in line with the previous value, we always motivate each other and are there to help, to let the person know that anything can be achieved as long as we are committed and establish a plan to get to where we want to. This, as well, includes teaching each other and connecting with relevant people that could help in achieving what the other person wants.
  • Strike hard: since the first day Strike was born, we knew we wanted to impact strongly in people’s life and companies for good. Everything we do, is taking into account this, innovating and adding value to generate true impact which helps change things for the better.
  • Own it: this has to do with responsibility and is what got Tomás de Angelis and Facundo López to reject offers from big multinational companies and go for it with Strike. Each person here has responsibilities and although we use believability weighted decision making (shout out to Ray Dalio), the one who owns, is allowed to think freely, research and get to a solution with their own approach.

Brand promises

  • Top quality security: help the community and deliver true security so that everyone can be safe.
  • Democratization: allow big and small enterprises to be secure, even those who are starting up today and don’t have enough resources.
  • Fast service: work closely with the companies who trust us, so that they can get set up in no time and receive their vulnerabilities with a recommended solution as soon as possible, without the need of waiting several weeks to find out they could have been hacked.


As it is the first one, this story is different to the ones that relate to cybersecurity we have been publishing. However, we felt that as Strike is approaching its public release, we owed our followers an explanation about what we are and what we care about.

Strike would not be what it is if it was not for the values, our purpose and brand promises, so it was important to transmit it and have everything available in case anyone wants to check what we are made of.

Thank you for having a look at our values and as usual, if you have any doubts or need any help, anyone at Strike will be happy to help you. You can reach out to me here or in LinkedIn!

If you want to see daily news, tips and funny memes (yes, we are into that too :D), be sure to give us a follow there too.

Cheers from Strike :)



Santiago Rosenblatt

Founder & CEO at | Ethical Hacker | Computer Engineer | Go Getter ✌🏻 - “Embrace reality and deal with it”