Brian Ng
Strikingly Stories
Published in
7 min readJul 24, 2014


Strikingly Features: The Race to Reinvent Parking — Are Monkey Parking, Sweetch and ParkModo unethical, illegal, or the next AirBnB?

Each startup founder has a moment of serendipity to offer. For Paolo Dobrowolny, an Italian with the accent and talkativeness to match, it was when he and his friends scoured for a parking spot for hours to watch a soccer game in Rome, to no avail. “Parking is inefficient, unmanaged, and completely random.”

The scarcity of current parking spaces, difficulties of rezoning within old cities, makes parking a royal pain in most metropolitan areas. It’s certainly a big space: the entire US parking industry is estimated at $18 billion, and metered parking in San Francisco is a $130 million industry. In San Francisco, the sudden affluence of the tech industry has made real estate prices skyrocket. Parking tickets, each for $74, are the new tax. As finding a parking space becomes increasingly impossible — 3 out of 10 cars are cruising for a parking spot, which becomes a large source of carbon emissions and air pollution, not least to say a big hassle.

Parking in the streets of San Francisco.

Three parking apps — Monkey Parking, Sweetch, and ParkModo — aim to change that. They feature some variation of the following: Having found a parking space, a driver registers his location on the app, which sends a notification when another driver in the area wants the parking spot. If the first driver accepts, he does his best to ensure the second driver gets the space after he’s left. After the switch, the second driver pays the first, and the app takes a cut. Their differences are mostly that of their business practices and pricing — Monkey Parking auctions swaps at $5 to $30, Sweetch uses a flat rate of $5, and ParkModo allows drivers to set their own price.

We interviewed Dobrowolny, founder of Monkey Parking, which hosts its landing page on Strikingly, to investigate how parking apps might work.

How Parking Apps Work

Imagine you’re a social planner who wants to redesign a parking system so that people who need parking spaces more can get them more easily. If it were infeasible to build more parking spaces, or get a significant number of drivers to switch to public transport, you would try to allocate existing parking spaces by a more efficient method.

How could you go about this? Firstly, it makes sense to incentivize drivers to notify departing drivers of the parking space they’re leaving. Secondly, the more someone wants a parking space, the more he would be willing to pay. It makes sense, then, to let incoming drivers pay more so they can waste less time on finding a parking space.

Those changes are already in way. Particularly, the San Francisco Transportation Authority has initiated a program called SFPark to adjust meter price within 50 cents in pilot areas, depending on daily demand. It also maintains a live map of real-time parking space availability on its website.

SFPark’s real-time parking space map.

Still, a solution like this is incomplete. Adjustments within a dollar may not be enough of an incentive to deter people from parking. The dynamic pricing system predicts future demand, instead of actually asking drivers how much they would pay. And, as Dobrowolny says, “the real-time map isn’t really as helpful as it sounds, because by the time you’ve driven to the spot you want to take, it’s often been snatched up by somebody else.”

What parking apps provide, then, is the ability to charge more flexible (read: higher) prices based on demand, and to allow two drivers to initiate a frictionless swap.

The social improvement from parking apps, however, could be invalidated by other behaviors. If the price of parking spaces becomes very high, people may start to needlessly occupy parking spaces in the hopes of turning them for a profit. ParkModo, for example, recruited drivers on Craigslist to squat at Mission District parking spaces at $13/hr. Monkey Parking denies and condemns such practices.

Another problem is that people, now having the option to derive profit from leaving their spaces, will stay parked for a longer time, whether in trying to get the highest offer for the spot from several apps, or in waiting for the paying driver to undergo the swap.

MonkeyParking explains its model on its website.

Dobrowolny fully admits these risks, and sees an in-app social reputation system as a solution. “We’ll be able to limit the number of transactions by a single driver, calculate the time they take to undergo a swap, and in reference to other users’ ratings, ban certain drivers from the system.” He argues that Monkey Parking would not become a parking racket — “because our users wouldn’t want to be part of that, anyway” — but a community that could successfully self-regulate on trust, like Airbnb.

The benefit in efficiency of parking apps is, at last, not entirely convincing. But isn’t it the nature of startups to convince everyone else by success — data, profit, and user growth?

Not Monkeying Around

Of course, none of these arguments would be persuasive if you’re sold that parking is a public good and shouldn’t be resold for individual profit, or that apps like Monkey Parking impede “public access” to parking. This has resulted in a huge backlash. As Josh Constine wrote on “Stop the JerkTech” on TechCrunch, “[Drivers] don’t deserve to take something that’s supposed to be free and first-come-first-serve so they can sell it.” Still, what’s supposed to be free anyway, if it’s scarce and people are perfectly willing to pay for it? “The app’s not just for rich people,” Dobrowolny comments, “If you leave a parking spot, you get paid too.”

To confer a net benefit to non-paying drivers, however, part of the money received from paying drivers should be redistributed into the community at large. The excess profits from SFPark are, naturally, channeled into government revenue. For the private sector, though, doing this would undercut its margins. For example, Sweetch has pledged that, if leaving drivers decide to donate their earnings off a parking switch to a selected charity, they would donate their profit too. Monkey Parking has no similar plans.

San Francisco City Attorney, Dennis Herrera.

On Jun 23, 2014, City Attorney Dennis Herrera sent a cease-and-desist letter to Monkey Parking, citing ordinance 63(c) of the SF Police Code that “prohibits individuals and companies from buying, selling or leasing public on-street parking.” In a warning to Sweetch and ParkModo, he claimed parking apps as a “predatory private market for public parking spaces.”

All three startups hit back with press releases that they were not selling parking spots, but parking departure information. Sweetch writes on its Tumblr: “The San Francisco Transportation Code doesn’t prohibit selling information about parking spots. That’s why the City Attorney doesn’t cite the Transportation Code.

“The cited section actually pertains to ‘Obstructions on City Streets and Sidewalks.’… It’s directed at preventing the obstruction of streets or sidewalks with litter, potted trees, debris and so on — not with legally parked cars. And even if it was a parking regulation statute, it prohibits rental and leasing agreements; it doesn’t prevent people from sharing information about when they are going to leave parking spots.”

Where are they now?

Given the deadline to shut down before July 11, all three startups have suspended their service. Sweetch has released its code open-source as Freetch, and created a new app called SpotAngels, which notifies users of street cleaning, tow aways, or parking time limits in San Francisco. ParkModo appears to have called off its launch. Despite initially refusing to shut down their service, Monkey Parking suspended its service within San Francisco to “clarify their value proposition and avoid future understandings.”

Sweetch’s team open-sourced its code as Freetch.

The biggest hurdle within the model of parking apps, past logistical issues, is skin-in-the-game. Startups prize themselves in creating the best product, the best answer to a user’s needs. Why the private sector seems an inadequate response to this is because the need does not lie within personal interest. It may be dangerous for a business to have an incentive to make it harder for drivers who don’t (or can’t) participate in their ecosystem, on parking spaces they don’t own, an incentive that contradicts their objective to establish a healthy parking community for all.

Dobrowolny said discussions with the transportation authority for a partnership were ongoing. “There’s a world of difference between talking through quotes in the media, and discussing face-to-face.” They’re also considering to move their business to another city, perhaps New York or Los Angeles. Although there are no definite plans, the team is optimistic about future partnerships: “We’re talking weeks, not months.”

Monkey Parking co-founder and CEO, Paolo Dobrowolny.

Which takes us to a broader issue of Silicon Valley’s relationship with society. What startups are best at isn’t philanthropy, or even avarice, but the brilliance of will. What a startup means by “changing the world” is not how the world is changed, but that it will be changed, and that the team has made itpossible. Certainly the culture’s dedication to user experience, its nimbleness in growth, and its openness to discussion, have been no less than revolutionary as a way of business. But tech, utopian as it may be, does not speak for the interests of all.

Still, they remain unfazed. A similar parking app, Haystack, has been started in Boston and Baltimore with similar opposition. A British company, JustPark, has been offering drivers to book parking spots at private properties since 2006.

They’re coming.

