5 book titles for your end of summer

Marco Strillozzi
Published in
3 min readAug 21, 2017

As lots of other people, I quite often start a new book before I finish another, and have several in progress at any one time. Sometimes because I get bored before the end, sometimes because a new title catches my attention in a book store and I feel compelled to have a quick look (and then eventually buy it and add it to the pile by my bed side).

So, if you are short of ideas (how is that possible!), here are some of the titles I’m currently enjoying :)

The Automatic Customer (by John Warrillow)

Repeat customers are the lifeblood of any business. John explains how to find (and keep) automatic customers, no matter what industry you are in.


Grow Your Sales, Do What You Love (by Anis Qizilbash)

If you serve other businesses, whether as a startup, entrepreneur or freelancer, you have to make sales and win customers. But fear not, for Anis will teach you mindset and strategies to win happy customers just by being yourself.


Democracy Squared (by Jon Barnes & Jim Ralley)

Democracy has seen little change since Sir Tim Berners-Lee founded the World Wide Web 25 years ago, and it is time for a change: to a more direct, more frequent, more human-centred, more participatory, more informed form of democracy. (Jon Barnes)


The Caves Of Steel (by Isaac Asimov)

Each one of Asimov’s novels is a wonderful mixture of science fiction, politics, philosophy and religion. If you haven’t read any of his books yet, The Caves Of Steel is the best way to start exploring a future where A.I. and humans live side by side.

The Marketing Formula (by Christine Michaelis)

Not sure how to market your business or product? Read this. Christine has put together a manual full of practical advice and tips on how to successfully implement a marketing strategy from scratch. A must read, especially if you have lots of ideas but don’t know how to get started.



Marco Strillozzi

Seeking purpose and social impact in all things tech.