My top 5 sitcoms/comedy shows

String of Thoughts
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2022

I’m a fan of sitcoms, they are the perfect comfort shows. There is nothing better than knowing that after a long day you can just turn on your silly little funny show and forget about everything else. Now, we all know that comedy is subjective but there are some shows that are clearly better than others. I am going to rank my top 5 comedy/sitcom shows and explain what makes them unique and funny. I won’t have a synopsis here to explain the premise of the show and, don’t worry, I won’t spoil these shows either. I’ll simply explain what makes them special.

5. F is for Family

Honestly, just hearing Frank Murphy’s rants and tantrums, voiced by the legend Bill Burr is enough to make me love this show. However, it has so much more to offer than that. The show gives a realistic depiction of how life was in the 70s. From the dysfunctional families, the school systems, the subtle racism and segregation, and the lack of mental health awareness, bill burr and his co-writers find a way to provide comedy in a disturbing and unusual way. Political correctness wasn’t as prevalent in those days. High school bullies weren’t as condemned as they are today and people were just generally harsher, angrier and insensitive. Ironically, that is what makes the show funny. Seeing the main characters lashing out again and again at life’s inconveniences is never tiring for me as a viewer. What can I say, I love me some emotional abuse in my comedy shows. Lastly, the show is surprisingly well-written. The lessons each character learns through their struggles is the icing on the cake.

4. Brooklyn 99

There’s not a lot for me to say about Brooklyn 99. You probably already heard whatever I’m going to say somewhere else. However, I have one thing I’d like to say about it. What is the biggest turn-off when it comes to comedy? It’s the “trying to be wholesome but ends up cringy” moments for me. A lot of sitcoms have them. That’s why they didn’t qualify to be in this list. However, Brooklyn 99 is the only show that gets so close to the “wholesome turning cringy” line but never actually crosses it. Which makes it a very wholesome, feel-good, goofy show that will always make your day better without failure. The goofiness of Jake Peralta and Charles Boyle combined with the unique traits of the other characters might make you a little concerned about the safety of New Yorkers, knowing how the 99 is run as a precinct.

3. Curb your enthusiasm

The comedic genius Larry David shines in this show in so many ways, it will take me a week to list them, so I will only focus on one aspect of this show. The reason I like Curb your enthusiasm is very simple; Larry can’t catch a break from the constant Ls. The psychopath in me finds it hilarious how in every episode Larry seemingly does nothing really THAT wrong but somehow always ends up getting the short end of the stick. You might think this formula gets boring, but trust me it never does. This is what’s genius about the writing. Every episode is a unique creative way to arrive at the conclusion of “Larry holds another L”.

2. Seinfeld

A show about nothing.

1. The Office

I don’t think it was a surprise that I’d have The Office as my favourite show. Where do I start? The awkward/cringey moments, the memes, the hilarious moments, the romance, the documentary style filming, or Michael Scott. Watching The Office can be very disorienting to first watchers, as the awkwardness and the direction can take a while to get used to. The type of humour this show brings to the table is not comparable with anything else. Once the humour is understood, you instantly get rewarded. The laughs don’t come from the jokes themselves, but the very realistic and slightly exaggerated situations the characters find themselves in with their boss and other people. The show is a roller coaster of emotions filled with moments that will make you cry from sadness but mostly from laughter.



String of Thoughts

I write my thoughts on whatever matter is sitting in my head. Sometimes they are philosophical and other times they are as unimportant as anything