Best Ideas for St Valentine’s Email Newsletters

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7 min readFeb 1, 2018

The sweetest and the most-hearted time of the year is coming. And while the most people are looking for ideal presents, marketers all over the world keep searching for perfect ideas and new ways to win the customers. St Valentine’s day keeps us all engaged and anticipated.

Do not think, that this the holiday’s for the Jewelry shops and confectionery. Anything can be romantic, even socks — if you create a good promotion.

When should you start your holiday’s email marketing campaign? Right away!

How to start and what to add to your Valentine’s Day emails?

Aiming to send more relevant newsletters, you will need to segmentize your database. But before starting any marketing campaign, please think thoroughly of the strategy as the newsletters’ design completely depends on it.

The marketing strategy ideas

Value proposition

Value proposition and discounts are the core of any marketing campaign. And St Valentine’s is not an exception. We recommend starting with it.

It is reasonable to place all the offers on hearts or fonts painted in pink and red colors.

Or you can create thematic coupon “Cupid” or “Love is in the Air”. Let everything be filled with the holiday’s anticipation. Spread the love.

Discount for a love story

If you lack customers’ comments on your website or if you feel like giving a coupon in exchange for a favor only, here’s an idea for you.

Make an advertisement that you will give $10–20–30 back as long as people share their love story on your website. The compulsory condition is adding an image of them together. Or you may ask for a love confession with a photo, as well.

During this period, we all feel like shouting out about love, our deepest feelings. Thus, we will gladly share them with anyone else.

Suggest the ideas on what to present

You will significantly facilitate people’s lives — especially men will appreciate it — if you suggest a list of gifts to present on this wonderful holiday.

Who said we can only congratulate our girlfriends/boyfriends on this day? We can, as well, buy presents for kids, spouses, parents and even grandparents. Here, you should not only suggest the list of presents for the partners but also share the ideas on what to buy for all the members of our families as we love them all. Besides, this is a great opportunity to engage a wider audience.

Take a look at this example of a toyshop St Valentine’s newsletter sample:

Provide a celebration plan

It will be very thoughtful, caring and nice of you not only to offer the list of the best presents for this day but also to suggest a plan. Yes! Plan for the whole day.

Share your brave ideas, share some world-famous traditions. Both young and mature couples will appreciate it.

Help men make a proposal

7 million American men, which equals 2% of the population, according to Statista, in 2017 on this day, made proposals to their women. Hopefully, the answer was “Yes”. If you run a restaurant or a jewelry shop, notify the men you can help them with the preparations.

Let them know which rings are on-trend this year. Suggest men they use a private room for this emotional event.

Cheer up the single hearts

Statista says that about 39% of the United State’s population did not celebrate this holiday for various reasons in 2017. Think about those people who are not going to celebrate it this year. Devastated by a number of “hearts” and thematic promotions all around, some of them feel upset. Cheer these people up. Create a supportive campaign. You may be their Valentine.

As we do not know who of our subscribers are single and who have a pair, you can recommend everyone to treat themselves on this holiday. I doubt that anyone will refuse to buy a present for himself/herself on this day and will not use the discount you offer. While people in relations would rather use the coupon for a great present to treat a partner.

Once I received this: “Tired of thinking whether he will love it or not? Celebrating alone this year? If you do not have a beloved one, this is a great chance to congratulate the most important person in your life — yourself. This year for sure you will get exactly what you want”.

And even though I was not single that moment, I took their advice and purchased a new pair of earrings.

Add a wish

People hear dozens of “I love you”, “I like you” and “I cherish you” from their friends, colleagues, neighbors and, of course, from their beloved ones on this day. Don’t be an exception. Tell the customers how much you like and cherish them. Let the people feel valuable.

Subject line

You have figured out what the main idea of your holiday newsletter is. You suggest a celebration plan, help people find the best presents for their close people, or even share the love stories and generous sale — now you need to mention it in Valentine’s day email subject lines.

But be very specific. Make it short.

In every day newsletters, about 17% of the recipients make the decision whether to open the message by reading the subject line. While for Valentine’s day newsletter this number is 30%.

The design ideas to make your St Valentine’s email campaign stand out

The design… Here you may implement any brave St Valentine’s newsletters ideas you want or even combine some of them if you please.


A pink-red heart is the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about the St Valentine’s Day. I know I am not the only one here. By adding hearts to your email newsletters, you will set the Holiday Vibe. Create an email in pink and red colors.

Make sure to decorate your landing page, as well.

Various colors

Why various colors but not only red and pink? Because colors, used in your emails, depend on your preferences only. You can create an absolutely new festive design or may use your brand standard colors and simply add some hearts.

The Electro company, in the screenshot, applied a white background image and added a non-standard black heart image. But this doesn’t ruin the whole impression of their holiday’s email. Rather, they stand out. Why not be creative and use something unique?

Use this valentine day email template.

Male design

Traditionally, women receive presents, and men run across all offline and online stores. But men want to feel loved on this day, too. We should create something special for them. Make the design in neutral colors. Or even use blue and green.

I could not really find a green Valentine’s email online. Maybe, this is the right time to create one?

Decorating small pieces

If you are not in the mood to create a brand new email newsletter for the St Valentine’s Day and want to use your regular one, you can decorate small pieces of your emails. Of course, placing hearts in a footer or header will be a nice idea. Your company logo may be festive, as well. It’ll look sweet.

Let your customers feel they are loved not only by their partners but by you as well.

Be original

Do we think only of hearts when we talk about this day? Nope. We also anticipate this holiday for its romantics. There are so many movies about St Valentine’s. On this day, some people come out and say their first “I love you”. Some people even make a proposal.

As a rule, these both actions are accompanied by a romantic dinner with lit candles and a glass of wine.

Be original, add an image of a bottle of wine with 2 (!) glasses or teddies, or flowers and balloons. Here you are free to use your imagination.

So, like it or not, in our mind this day stands for love and warm feelings.


St Valentine’s Day is the most romantic holiday worldwide. As the vast majority of people want to love and to be loved, marketers need to run a St Valentine’s Email Campaign.

When should you start sending out your newsletters? A week or two before the holiday itself. On the very holiday, please, send just a wish and tell your customers how much you care for them.

A proper St Valentine’s Holiday email campaign should:
➢ Be started a week or two prior to the holiday.
➢ Be sent away according to the interests of the clients.
➢ Be well-designed.
➢ Include concise subject line.
➢ Cheer up single hearts.
➢ Offer ideas on how to celebrate the holiday.
➢ Help men and women pick good gifts.
➢ Express your love.

Use our creative built St Valentine’s Day templates. I wish you all the best.

Thank you for reading. Be loved!




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