Is Satan a Believer?

Maryum Abdullah
Striving for the Straight Path
4 min readMay 1, 2023


I admit this is a controversial title. But with the way that many people in established religion define “belief,” Satan himself could technically be a believer. Let me explain.

In many mainstream understandings of religion, there is a concept that one will go to Hell if they don’t believe in God’s existence as an objective fact of reality.

Well guess who objectively believes that God exists as a fact of reality? Satan does. In both the Quran and the Bible, Satan has conversations with God, he’s seen God, heard God, argued with God, so of course, he believes in the fact of God’s existence. Does that technically make Satan a believer? Or is there something deeper that defines “belief” over the simple objective observation that something exists?

In my understanding of “belief,” I think it’s an active trust and submission to the will of a higher power. The word belief in English does not convey this meaning well enough. A better understanding comes from the Arabic word for belief used in the Quran. أ م ن (Amn). If you look at all the instances of this word in the Quran, it conveys the idea of belief, security and trust.

Thus, I think what it means is actively trusting that the universe is good, and that things will work out for the best if you do what is right.

This is what truly makes Satan evil. Satan does not trust. Satan does not feel secure. Satan arrogantly turned against God’s plans to follow his own whims, because he did not trust the greater good. This eventually…

