Positive Muslim Female Role Models

Maryum Abdullah
Striving for the Straight Path
6 min readOct 18, 2022


As a Muslim revert, I find many positive female role models in the Islamic tradition. And I find more of these strong, positive women in Islam than I have in other religions. Often when I am at a point where I am feeling low, thinking of the examples of these women helps give me the strength and motivation to get out of my funk.

Let me share some information about these women with you. Which one are you inspired by the most? Feel free to comment.

Notes on Acronyms:

(“SAW” or “SAWS”) translates as “The graces of Allah be upon him, and peace,” or “Allah bless him and grant him peace.” “SAW” offers a reminder to use the full honorific phrase after mentioning the name of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam.

“RA” and “AS.” “RA” stands for “Radhi Allahu ‘anhu” (May Allah be pleased with him). Muslims use “RA” after the name of male Sahabis, who are friends or companions of the Prophet Muhammad. This abbreviation varies based on gender and how many Sahabis are being discussed. For example, “RA” could mean, “May Allah be pleased with her” (Radiy Allahu Anha). “AS,” for “Alayhis Salaam” (Peace be upon Him), appears after the names of all the archangels (such as Jibreel, Mikaeel, and others) and all the prophets except for the Prophet Muhammad.


