Roads End

Norm Wright
Striving Strategically
5 min readJun 17, 2019


Photo by Greg Hill on Unsplash

Today marks the end of the daily practice I’ve deeply loved for the past eleven months. Some might call it a blog but I try to view it as a service. There were standards to maintain. Deadlines to meet. I had to deliver the very best article I could write every business day and finish every Friday with a weekly review of the best books I’ve read on the topics I love. I had to stick to the very best books, even when they were difficult to unpack, and had to curate my list of favorites with deliberate care.

Why? Why do all this? Good question.

The goals were many. Too many, I suppose. I wanted to provide better insights in the realms of management, leadership, strategy, psychology, communication, decision-making, and self-improvement. I wanted to raise awareness to the brilliance of these books. I wanted to reaffirm what you know and share something new on top of it. I wanted to cross-pollinate from different fields and perhaps make 2 + 2 = 5.

I also wanted to see if I could write something worth reading every day.

When that happened, it made me so very happy. It was incredible, really. Your encouragement, Dear Reader, had a warm, positive effect me. Surprisingly so.

I must have done something right.

I want to do more of it. Whatever it is. More and more. There is nothing so intoxicating as hard work



Norm Wright
Striving Strategically

Trying to provide the most useful thing you’ll read on any given day. Target success rate: 51%. More at