An Open Letter to Supplement Users

Betka Kapusta
Published in
3 min readNov 22, 2019

Dear Supplement Users,

I work in the supplement and nutraceutical industry. Specifically, I run a private label manufacturing company. My job is to make it easier for people to create, brand, sell, and ultimately, consume supplements.

I love what I do. I strongly believe that supplements can change the world — not just by making people healthier, but by actually saving lives, especially considering the micronutrient deficiency epidemic that’s happening in parts of the world.

I also don’t accept the current supplement paradigm — the one where you don’t know what you’re really getting when you pull a product from the shelves. I try to contribute to consumer confidence by ensuring top quality in everything my company helps to manufacture. That’s part of the fun, and what I love — helping entrepreneurs achieve their goal of bringing something to market that’s superior in every way to the competition.

So here’s where I’ll take a turn into what this letter is really about.

For all those positives, there are some aspects of the supplement industry that are a lot murkier. The one I’ve recently felt compelled to speak about is consumer ignorance.

Dear supplement users, please don’t take offense to that — and bear in mind that I’m a supplement consumer myself. Most of you are educated, informed, and passionate about your health choices. However, you’ve probably noticed (because I certainly have) that some of our fellow consumers are much less “aware” in their purchasing patterns. I’ll try to explain why I believe it’s such a problem:

It isn’t safe.

Remember that “not knowing what you’re getting” issue I mentioned previously? It’s rampant, and it’s dangerous. Supplements labeled with deceitful information or containing contaminated ingredients have the potential to cause serious health problems. These problems, for the record, can be the result of purposeful malintent or simple negligence — and both are equally bad.

Nutraceuticals also have the potential to interact in negative ways with prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and one another. That’s why extensively researching (and ideally, consulting a medical professional) before starting any new supplement regimen is more than just a good idea — it’s critical.

Finally, there’s a surprisingly common misconception that supplements alone can make up for poor overall health-related decision-making. It doesn’t matter if you have the best supplement schedule ever conceived of — if you want a long and healthy life, you still have to sleep; you still have to stay hydrated; you still have to exercise.

This, then, is my real message:

Be responsible when you use supplements.

Don’t buy from brands or companies you’re not confident in (and if you can’t find a real representative willing to talk about manufacturing procedures and quality control practices, that’s a red flag).

Don’t assume a supplement is safe, and certainly don’t let yourself be convinced that it will replace other habits that support good health. Wellness is a journey, and we’d do well to stop looking for shortcuts.

Do talk to a doctor about your plans to supplement, especially if you regularly take any medications.

The supplement market, as well as the widespread self-determined-health movement, is growing at a rapid pace. Let’s make the most of it by being aware of the pitfalls, and how to avoid them.

Last but not least, if you know someone who is new to supplements, please feel free to share this letter with them. Let it be known that leaning into “health nut” status doesn’t mean you aren’t also a clear-headed, rational thinker; you’re just a little nuts about how good it feels to be healthy.



Betka Kapusta
Writer for

Private Label Supplement Manufacturing Expert | Co-Founder, BL Bio Lab, LLC |