Fiais da Beira

Cavada & Palheiros

Stroganov Hotel
Stroganov Hotel
4 min readMay 24, 2017


There are at least 2 must see places in Fiais da Beira. Staying at Stroganov Hotel you absolutely need to find some time to go down to the Dolmen and up to Palheiros. Both places are charged with ancient history and walking there you will feel absolutely peaceful surrounded by beautiful landscapes.

On the way Anta da Cavada — Cavada Dolmen

Going out of the main entrance of the hotel, on the right you will see a sign “Cavada >”, so just go down the Rua da Anta and follow the road about 500m through the woods as it is drawn on the map below…

Following the path, you’ll see all the great things mother nature has to offer, that all of us are lacking so much in the city. Passing by the camps of olive trees, check out all the flowers, plants and trees. In late summer and autumn you can collect the blackberries on your way. And of course, don’t forget to salute the little goats and sheep, ringing their bells…

Finally after the vineyards, turn the left in to the wood, where you’ll find the Anta da Cavada (Cavada Dolmen) — sepulchral megalithic monument about 6000 years old. The chamber is composed of 9 supporting stones with a massive slab on top as a cover, to which you would get through a stone corridor, now only present by one of the monoliths.

Anta da Cavada

Later you may continue walking the main road, going more into the woods in the direction of rio Seia. First, you’ll discover incredible panoramas opening up from the hill. Then, if you feel like doing some hiking, you can go down until you get to Seia River (don’t forget you will have to go up…) Anyways, you can get there by car if you’d like, going from the hotel to Vila do Mato, turn left just right before the bridge.

Rio Seia

No matter how long and deep you decide to go, just enjoy the silence interrupted by the bird song and the sound of grass crisping under your feet…

Another little walk you should take up to Palheiros de Fiais da Beira that take place on top of the village.

You may go through the center of the town and take a look at the numerous old fountains around or you can go up Rua da Arouça laying right behind the hotel.

To better illustrate the incredible views of Fiais and Palheiros we leave you here the short video.

Either you live far away in a noisy metropolis or very close in an other small town — come visit Fiais da Beira, you won’t regret it…

