Learnings From The First 25 Days Of My #coveraday Project

Luke (@lukester)
Stroke 9
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2018
small shed

On June 21, 2018, I kicked off an ambitious project called #coveraday. I’m going to record and publish a cover of a song I love every day for a year. The high-level goal of the project is to get in the habit of going into my home studio every day for an hour or so and finishing something. The intention isn’t for the finished product to be polished and “perfect.” I really wanted to establish the habit of creating, recording, and also writing new material.

After 25 straight days, I’ve learned that doing this is more work (and stress) than I had anticipated, which is not necessarily a bad thing. Doing hard things takes effort and causes stress. I’m loving the time I spend in the studio again, so that’s been a huge win, but I’m finding that I don’t have enough time and energy to write new material, so I’ve decided to tweak the project a little. I’m going to publish a cover song every other day, and write and record a new idea every other day starting immediately.

You can follow the project by following this Spotify playlist (it’s a few weeks behind and a new song is being added daily).

You can download any of the tracks for free on our Bandcamp page.

If you have requests for covers, feel free to hit me on Twitter or respond here.

You can also follow Stroke 9 on Twitter for the daily song update.

