Concerned about Climate Change? Read Vaclav Smil.

Christopher Balkaran
Opens Minds
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2021


Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash

Climate change is really complex and the most astute struggle with understanding what governments should do. At the core of the climate change conversation (to me), is energy production to sustain our existence. And, as the standard of living globally increases, this means a gargantuan demand on energy will continue well into the future. Vaclav Smil is perhaps one of only a few authors who seem to truly grasp in detail, the tradeoffs of energy production on a mass scale and human habitation on earth. Smil’s Energy and Civilization paints a vivid account of humanity’s quest to secure reliable, robust energy sources to sustain human civilization. And it is essential reading for those concerned about our future.

Prior to the invention and adoption of internal combustion engines, arduous physical labour by humans and animals were at the epicentre of sustaining civilizations. In Europe, Asia and Africa, the domestication of animals and the creation of pastures significantly helped sustain large human settlements. But new problems arose: as animals too need to be well-fed and rested to undertake a full day’s work. And, large animals doing laborious work will require a lot of feed. In the Americas, water management and the modifications to existing land space (e.g., chinampas and terracing mountainsides) allowed for increased arable land and crop harvesting. But…



Christopher Balkaran
Opens Minds

Christopher is a firm believer in balanced political discourse, which can lead to a better world. Creator of the Strong and Free Podcast.