
No, You Go podcast about being ambitious, building a career that won’t make you miserable, and finding friends who’ll high-five you along the way.

Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Strong Feelings
3 min readFeb 12, 2018


Jenn Lukas, Katel LeDû, and Sara Wachter-Boettcher are professional powerhouses, funny as hell, and here to help you figure out what you’re doing with your life (even if you think you ought to know by now).

Each week, they talk about being ambitious, building a career that won’t make you miserable, and finding friends who’ll high-five you along the way.

Listen in as NYG gets real about navigating life’s endless uncertainties, interviews guests who are inventing their own paths, and answers your questions about everything from getting a book deal to asking for a raise to figuring out when it’s time to quit your job. NYG is one part advice, one part feminist fury, and three parts snacks. It’s pretty great.

Here’s more about your hosts:

Katel LeDu

Katel is the CEO of A Book Apart, where she helps passionate tech community members become successful authors. Previously, she worked with National Geographic as their digital director of photography, and has been in publishing since the early aughts. She’s seen a lot. She enjoys running (no, really) and learning the secrets of life from her snaggle-toothed mutt, Hugo.

katelledu.com | @theledu

Jenn Lukas

Jenn is a multi-talented front-end developer, conference speaker, writer, and educator. She’s currently the UI engineering manager and architect at Urban Outfitters, and teaches HTML and CSS for GirlDevelopIt and Skillshare. She has written for The Nerdary, .net magazine, 24 Ways, and The Pastry Box Project, and was the co-host of the Ladies in Tech Podcast. Mashable named her one of the 15 Developer/Hacker Women to Follow on Twitter, where she regularly posts the latest web development and cat-related news.

jennlukas.com | @jennlukas

Sara Wachter-Boettcher

Sara is the principal of Rare Union, a product and content strategy consultancy, and the author of Technically Wrong: Sexist Apps, Biased Algorithms, and Other Threats of Toxic Tech. Her writing has appeared in Washington Post, The Guardian, Slate, Quartz, and Wired, and she’s given talks at events in a dozen countries (and counting). Her friends seem to think she’s super productive, but she really spends most days wearing gym clothes and slippers.

sarawb.com | @sara_ann_marie

NYG is made with love in beautiful Philadelphia, PA — America’s most underrated city, and the place our hosts are proud to call home. You should visit sometime.



Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Strong Feelings

I help folks in tech and design build sustainable careers and healthy teams. Author @wwnorton @abookapart @rosenfeldmedia. More at www.activevoicehq.com.