Empower Work with Jaime-Alexis Fowler

If you’ve ever had a job, chances are you faced issues and didn’t know who you could safely reach out to — especially if you’re a woman and/or a person of color working in an industry that is dominated by people who don’t look like you. Instead of struggling to get through it on your own, what if you could send a text and chat it out with a trained peer?

Katel LeDu
Strong Feelings
3 min readMay 9, 2019


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Good news! Empower Work exists for just that purpose. It’s an online platform where you can get fast, free, and confidential support by simply sending a text message. On this week’s episode, we chat with founder and executive director Jamie-Alexis Fowler.

Jaime-Alexis Fowler, founder & executive director of Empower Work

I think so often when you’re grappling with the situation, it feels so isolating. It can feel like you’re the only person who has ever faced this, that you’re the only person who has felt this stuck. And, of course, it’s deeply, deeply personal. And that’s completely normal to feel that way — and also it’s important to recognize that this is something that millions of Americans are facing.

If you need help with a work problem, considering asking Empower Work. Text 510–674–1414 anytime, or use the Empower Work web chat.

We talk about:

  • Why Empower Work’s peer support matters so much when people feel isolated and alone.
  • The most common issues people need help with (hint: it starts with an “m” and it ends with an “anager”).
  • Why so many people struggle when they’re “the only” person in their workplace.
  • The benefits of peer counseling, and how to train people to support others.
  • Why Jaime-Alexis is committed to keeping Empower Work a nonprofit — rather than making it a service companies pay for.



  • How we’ve handled our own crap work moments — like being asked to commit to a new salary in a hallway, or dealing with a conference creep who’s tight with your boss
  • Why we can’t talk about handling work issues without talking about toxic masculinity
  • How Sara and Katel plan to take over the world with their new workshop

☞ And there’s always a full transcript.


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Katel LeDu
Strong Feelings

CEO at A Book Apart. Founder of Liminal Bloom. French lady.