You Should Run with Elizabeth Fiedler

In Episode 5 of No, You Go, we cure our political fatigue with an interview with Elizabeth Fiedler, a progressive Democrat running for a seat in the PA House.

Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Strong Feelings


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If you’re anything like us, you’re tired as hell of what’s happening in politics: corruption, sexism, and misogyny are on full display. Immigrants are under attack, reproductive rights are under attack, environmental protections are under attack. The list could go on. But despite it all, we’re not about to sit and sulk. Instead, we want to talk about the legislation and candidates we’re excited about — because we could all use some hope right now.

So many of us are held back just by that feeling that like, “Hmm, maybe there’s someone else out there who is more qualified. Maybe there’s someone else who would be better at this.” And in some cases: sure, there is. In many cases, there is not. It’s us! We’re the ones.
Elizabeth Fiedler, Candidate for PA House District 184

Here’s what’s on the docket in Episode 5. You can also get the full transcript.

Hey employers: pay up

First up, we talk about one of our favorite topics: getting paid — fairly. Here in Philly, we’re upset about more delays on our first wage equity ordinance, which would bar prospective employers from asking about your past salary (which is one of the major ways employers justify continuing to underpay workers from marginalized groups). The law was supposed to take effect in January, but the Chamber of Commerce filed suit — again. Their first lawsuit, last summer, was thrown out for lack of evidence that it would harm businesses.

But wage equity laws are coming. California’s went into effect in January, and a bunch more are cropping up all over. And when an economy the size of California makes a law, it tends to have a ripple effect. Now some big employers are announcing that they won’t ask for past pay info, either.

While we’re on the topic of compensation, we also chat about how to negotiate those challenging money conversations — and how to avoid getting backed into a corner (or in Katel’s case, a phone booth) to accept an offer that’s not up to snuff.

Elect. More. Women.

Next on the show, we talk with Elizabeth Fiedler, a candidate in May’s primary for a seat in the PA House, representing the 184th District. That’s the heart of South Philly, where Sara and Jenn both live.

Elizabeth Fiedler, out and about in South Philly. (Psst! Katel took this photo.)

Lizz took a break from knocking doors (literally — she is always out there knocking doors) — to talk with us about her run. We cover:

  • Showing up at campaign events with an infant strapped to your body.
    How much we need single-payer healthcare in Pennsylvania — and everywhere.
  • Wearing blue blazers and real pants. Like, without stretch.
  • How to know if you should run for office (hint: if you’re thinking about it, you probably should do it).

We love Lizz. Here’s where to get all the deets on her campaign:

Seriously though: Let’s elect some women.

After chatting with Lizz, we look at the stats for elected officials in Pennsylvania. It’s not great. We’re ranked 49th in the nation for having women in office. Here are the facts:

  • Pennsylvania has never sent a woman to the US Senate.
  • It’s never had a woman governor.
  • We currently have ZERO women elected to the US House — out of 18 representatives!
  • Only 19% of the Pennsylvania Legislature is made up of women.

But good news: women all over are fed up, and a record number are running for office in 2018. Rebecca Traister had a great article about it in The Cut last month. Plus, we’re super excited about folks like Danica Roem, who won a seat in the Virginia Assembly last November, becoming the first openly transgender person to be elected to a state legislature.

Finally, we talk about organizations dedicated to getting more women on the ballot, like Emily’s List and She Should Run.

Know a woman who’d be great in office? You probably do. Tell her you think she should run.

No, You Go is a weekly podcast about being ambitious, building a career that won’t make you miserable, and finding friends who’ll high-five you along the way. Hosted by Jenn Lukas, Katel LeDu, and Sara Wachter-Boettcher. Produced by EDITAUDIO. Made with ❤ in Philadelphia.

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Sara Wachter-Boettcher
Strong Feelings

I help folks in tech and design build sustainable careers and healthy teams. Author @wwnorton @abookapart @rosenfeldmedia. More at