The need for StrongForce

Maya Mateva
Strong Force
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2019

Once you deep dive into the blockchain world, you start exploring a whole new world — a world of smart contracts, trust between the parties, no bug fixing but rather a new version of the code base pushed to the blockchain, validators, a decentralized network that depends only on the ecosystem rather than a certain entity.

And this whole new world comes with a lot of tools in an early dev-stage, languages with some limitations, platforms ready to explode and collaborate but not all of them yet having done so. What’s our step into that era — we create a tool, or rather a framework, based on the maturity of a language as developed as C#, stepping onto the power of Tendermint consensus and scaling up immensely with Cosmos SDK. And holding all stuff together — here comes STRONG FORCE.

The idea of StrongForce is to be a mighty framework that can be easily adopted by all the fans of object-oriented languages (and they are a lot), but still familiar to anyone already used to working with smart contracts, addresses, permissions, and access rules.

StrongForce is based on the Tendermint’s consensus implemented in its core engine (Tendermint Core) that makes sure transactions are recorded in the same order and in every machine. Another bonus of Tendermint is its Application BlockChain Interface (ABCI) — the one that makes possible to process a transaction in any programming language (hint — helps us work with the powerful C#).

Cosmos SDK — the other weapon in the army — provides us the ability to scale without limitations and through different blockchains. It works on the prospect of designing the “Internet of Blockchains” exposing a protocol IBC (Inter-Blockchain Communication) that leverages the immediate finality of Tendermint consensus and allows heterogenous chains to talk with each other (transfer tokens or data).

And it’s up to you to develop upon that and be the top of the skyscraper:

Building blocks

The basic building blocks/classes in the field are Action, Contract, ContractRegistry, and AccessControlList. With them, you can create custom activities with info for the originator, sender, and target, handled by a contract with a unique address that may or may not have permissions to execute that action (as you can guess, controlled by the AccessControlList). Each of the contracts is kept in the ContractRegistry. And that’s it — extending those blocks, you have the power to create your own flow, your actions, and permissions, your own rules for the project stepping onto a language as powerful and extensible as C#.

Strong blocks, strong features

The power of StrongForce and the underlying technologies allow you to flourish your own system and count on:

  • full-featured smart contracts framework over .Net Core
  • impersonate action execution through voting contracts and permissionded groups (message forwarding)
  • fine-tuned control over the addresses that can execute actions on your contracts (access control list)

Once you create the system of smart contracts and permissions, StrongForce will take care of the rest — validating, applying the Tendermint consensus, scaling up the project, integrating the power of Cosmos SDK for spreading through different blockchains. And you easily develop your own blockchain app without the need to take care of the complicated logic behind.

The first implementation of StrongForce is our own economic engine for creating a world of DAO-s — Wetonomy. A mighty tool for building decentralized organizations that will incentivize its members to work with each other rather than for one another. Check out its GitHub repo.

So, let the force be with you, start building, start enjoying, start being StrongForce. And of course, stay tuned for more in the GitHub repo, website and be welcome in our Discord channel.

