10 Ways to Instantly Increase Traffic to Your Website

Mos Clement
Stronger Content
Published in
9 min readJun 29, 2018
Image Credit: Unsplash

More traffic, more traffic, more traffic. We hear this all the time. Why? Because every marketer in the online space — bloggers, content marketers, and so forth are eagerly looking for the best tips to increase traffic.

Yes, you need people who are interested in buying your product and services. But how can you double visitors to your website or product page?

This is the problem many marketers are dealing with today.

In this article, I have put together 10 powerful tips that’ll help you increase traffic to your website in a few minutes.

1• Re-work Outdated Blog Posts

Re-working your old or outdated blog posts is a great way to increase traffic to your site. The process is simple and effective.

Simply find blog posts on your website that contain irrelevant or outdated strategies — tips that are no longer relevant to the subject and replace them with latest trends in SEO.

Brian Dean is a great example of this strategy. He used this tip and increase traffic to his site by over 50%.

Image credit: Brian Dean

Make use of such elements as:

  • Statistics
  • Infographics
  • Screenshots, etc.

Use any component that will improve your post and make it unique. That’s all you need to do. Then sit back and watch your traffic sore.

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2• Use LSI Keywords to Optimize Your Blog Post

Search engine algorithms’ frequent changes have left many with no choice but to view SEO as no longer important to their marketing efforts.

But SEO is important and still one of the best marketing strategies that’ll help you increase traffic to your website.

However, you need to know that the way SEO was performed back in the days is no longer the way is carried out today.

Keywords — seed keywords were the primary reason for driving traffic, but now, search engines need to understand what your content is about to improve your chances of appearing in search results.

That is where Latent semantic keywords (LSI) come in. These type of keywords are keyword and keyword phrases that are similar in meaning to your main keyword.

How can you find LSI keywords?

It is easy to find LSI keywords for your blog posts. The most simple way is to use Google search.

For example, when you search for a keyword on Google, the search result will present you with both the results of your search query and related searches that are similar to your search term.

In Google, you can find these similar search terms or LSI keywords at the bottom of your search result.

Another great free tool you can use for this purpose is LSI Graph. This free tool will get you more than enough LSI keywords for your blog content.

Use them to optimize your blog posts.

Related Post: 7 Ways to Optimize Your Blog Post for SEO to Increase Engagement and Social Media Shares

3• Transform Your Posts to Different Format

Image Credit: Unsplash

In section one, we discussed reworking your old blog posts.

But in this section, you will have to transform or re-purpose your blog posts to a different content format to increase traffic.

Much has been written on this topic, and for good reason.

Because not every one of your target audience is a fan of reading text or written content. A segment of your target market prefers to consume different content type.

Thus, re-purposing your blog posts will definitely skyrocket your website traffic in a minute.

This strategy according to Brian Dean helps him increase traffic to his site by over 110%.

You could transform your blog posts into the following formats:

  • Video
  • Infographic
  • Podcast
  • E-book

The list goes on and on, but these are the best content types that drive the most traffic.

So look for your best performing blog posts and transform them into any of the above formats. This will instantly increase traffic to your website.

Please read this post to learn more on how to re-purpose your blog posts.

4• Republish Your Posts on Medium

Image Credit: Unsplash/Rawpixel

Have you started posting on Medium? If you haven’t, start posting on Medium now! Medium is a great content channel for easy web traffic boost.

Did you know? Medium gets over 60 million visitors each month.

In fact, even though I have not been posting regularly on Medium, but I am seeing tremendous traffic from the platform.

The beauty of the platform is that you will not have to create new posts. All you have to do is republish your old blog posts on the platform.

That way, you make your articles visible to an active new readership of over 60 million.

For best results with Medium, make sure to include a lot of compelling internal links to your own content. As people click, your traffic increases. — Neil Patel

As Neil Patel mentioned in the quote above, include internal links to posts on your website. This will help increase traffic to your site remarkably.

Don’t be scared of Google penalizing you for posting duplicate content, it won’t because Google has created a tool called “canonical URL” that allows you to publish duplicate posts on Medium without punishment.

This new Google tool helps search engines understand that your post is syndicated, and by default, Medium is using the canonical URL.

5• Craft a New Headline for Your Old Blog Post

A great article comes handy with a compelling headline. But sometimes the article might be exceptional while the headline sucks.

This is bad for business as not many of your target audience will click to read the article. That is why you must write a new headline to replace your boring headline copy.

For instance, the first post on Canva website that went viral didn’t actually do well when it was first published. The headline of that post was “Why Steve Jobs Took Long Walks, And Why You Should Too.”

The post didn’t get many social shares. But weeks later they wrote a new headline for the article, titled “Why Everyone From Beethoven, Goethe, Dickens, Darwin To Steve Jobs Took Long Walks and Why You Should Too” and republish it.

The result, the post got over 85,000 shares in the first few minutes.

Headlines are one of the most vital parts of your content. Without a compelling headline, even the most comprehensive blog post will go unread. -

Let this example inspire you to write better headlines of your blog posts.

Pro tips: Write 4 ~ 5 headlines for your post and test them to see which one performs best.

CoShedule headline analyzer tool will help you test your headlines.

Read this post to learn how to craft powerful headlines that people will love to click.

6. Use Question Analyzer to Increase Traffic

Using question analyzer is a terrific way to increase traffic to your website, as it offers you the opportunity to leverage on questions your target market is asking to create incredible blog content.

These type of posts are high traffic generators because they are based on the needs of your readers.

Tools like Buzzsumo’s Question Analyzer can help find questions that people in your niche are regularly asking.

Find these question and use them to write compelling articles that will drive massive traffic to your blog or website.

Another tool that works pretty well is Answer the Public. This tool works much like Buzzzsumo Question Analyzer.

All you have to do is find questions that your niche market is asking the search engine, give answers to those questions by creating content around them.

You can use the answers you provide to update your old blog posts that are relevant to the topic. And guess what will happen — increased website traffic.

7. Optimize Your Website for Mobile

Is your blog or website mobile-friendly?

A recent study reveals that mobile devices account for over 60℅ of all search queries performed on the internet.

And with the recent rollout of Google’s mobile-first indexing strategy, Google now favors mobile version over desktop version — making mobile version its primary indexing website.

Therefore, it is a good rule of thumb to make sure your blog or website is mobile optimized. You’re certainly going to increase your website traffic.

So if your blog or website is not mobile-friendly, or if you’re not sure about that, please use the Google mobile-friendly test tool to check your site.

How to use the mobile-friendly test tool

It’s as simple as writing 1,2,3. Open the app, type in your blog URL and hit the “run test” button. See screenshot.

Image Source: Google

Next, the result of your test. In fact, my test result shows that my blog has some page loading issues which I have to rectify.

Image Credit: Google

You can also check the Google’s mobile guidelines to make sure your site is up-to-date. The benefits are incredible.

8. Leverage LinkedIn Publisher

The LinkedIn publisher is an excellent platform to syndicate your blog posts to attract a new readership and reach a wider audience.

It is simple and more of the same as republishing your old blog content on Medium. When you publish on LinkedIn, your first connections get a notification of your post.

If they find your content interesting, they will share it with their connections and the circle continues, giving you more exposure and traffic.

Related Post: How to Boost The Credibility of Your LinkedIn Profile

9• Use Influencer Marketing to Boost Traffic

As mentioned earlier, there is constant change in Google’s search algorithm which has left many marketers confused, because what worked a few years back might not work today.

For example, instead of many keywords, Google has made human signals and social proof a priority.

But the good news is that the constant change in Google search algorithms has brought new link building system, that is, social media shares.

That is where influencer marketing comes in handy.

A recent research by BrightEdge shows that over 50% of all traffic across many industries comes from organic searches, and 40% of all revenue is by organic traffic.

Hence, Working with influencers will help you in these areas:

  • Boost social media shares
  • Build quality backlinks
  • Improve SEO
  • Increase traffic
  • Improve search ranking

With that said, when an influencer endorses and recommends your product and services, it leads to tons of traffic.

Therefore, find influencers in your target market you want to work with and reach out to them. Please read this post by Ian Cleary to learn how to find influencers in your niche.

10• Use Long-Tail Keywords to Increase Traffic

When top blogger and digital marketer, Neil Patel tell you that long-tail keywords are responsible for 90% of QuickSprout’ traffic, would you want to leverage it?

Long-tail keywords are keywords phrases that are less competitive but account for the majority of web searches.

These type of keywords have the power to drive tons of traffic and rank high on search engine result page (SERP).

So carry out keyword reach to find long-tail keywords that are relevant to your topic and merge them into your content.

Also, use them to optimize and update your old posts to boost SEO and organic traffic. The result will amaze you.

Bonus Tip• Create Long-Form High-Quality Content

In all your marketing efforts, without high-quality content, you will gradually fail in your endeavors. In-depth, well researched long-form blog content adds value to your target audience and that’s what they need from you.

For instance, Buzzsumo and Moz recently conducted a study of one million blog posts to find out the type of posts that generate more engagement and social media shares.

What was the result? They found that long-form blog posts get more back-links and social media shares than short-form blog posts. See screenshot.

Consequently, once your target audience sensed that you are consistently supplying them with valuable content, they’ll keep coming for more and recommend your site to others.

This strategy will surely increase your site traffic.

Wrapping Up

Although there are many ways to double your website traffic, the above-mentioned tips combined with high-quality long-form content are incredible ways to instantly increase traffic to your blog or website.

Apply these steps to your content marketing strategy, the result will amaze you.

Recommended for You: 25+ Books Every Blogger and Freelance Writer Must Read to Scale Your Writing Business

This article originally appeared on www.mossmedia.biz



Mos Clement
Stronger Content

SEO writer for B2B SaaS and digital marketing brands, including Semrush, SocialPilot, Serpstat, etc. Need content writing help for your biz blog? Let's talk!