13 Ways to Use Facebook Video for More Engagement

Pac O'Shea
Stronger Content
Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2017

With Facebook moving to a video first platform, video has become the new golden gun for digital marketers. This trend has increased the number of video posts on Facebook. In order to have a competitive edge for your business, you need to design your Facebook video so that it creates more engagement.

This leads you to the question, “How to use Facebook video for more engagement?”

Here are some useful tips which will enable you to enhance engagement with your Facebook Video:

#1: Make your message intimate

Videos which are more customer oriented get more shares and engagement compared to generic messages.

#2: Educate your target audience

Videos that provide useful information that a user can employ, get a better engagement. For instance, it could be fitness tips or food recipes. If these videos are posted on a regular basis, daily or weekly, it builds customer loyalty to the site. The audience will have something to look forward to.

Educate your target audience

#3: Utilise online tools available to create entertaining videos

The audience generally loses interest in lacklustre videos. Therefore, it is a good idea to craft videos that entertain the audience. There are a number of online tools available to help you is doing so. You could also use music in your videos to make it stand out.

Create Entertaining Videos

#4: Call to Action button from your Facebook cover page should direct the audience to a video on the website

This is an effective method to direct traffic from your Facebook page. The Facebook cover page should be designed such that it entices the audience to ‘Watch video’ on the website.

#5: Utilise a Facebook video ad

Studies have shown that video ads enhance the engagement of a Facebook video.

#6: Embed Facebook videos in Blog Posts

When the Facebook video is embedded in the Blog Post, the audience has an opportunity to see the comments, likes, etc., on the original Facebook post.

Use Video within Blog Posts

#7: Adding a featured video

The addition of a featured video above your About button helps in attracting more viewers to your post.

#8: Include playlists in your videos

Including multiple playlists in a video tab, helps in directing your audience as they navigate through the video.

#9: Create short video clips to answer customer’s queries

You, as a businessman, are aware of frequently asked questions about your products/services. It is beneficial to create short video clips which address those queries. This goes a long way in building a rapport with the audience.

#10: Craft a video which highlights the benefits of engaging your services or using your products

In case you provide services, you could explain how your clients have benefitted from your service. An interesting video giving client testimonials also helps in engaging the audience.

#11: Broadcast your video live

You can broadcast your videos to your users in real time. You can be proactive and reply to comments posted in real time.

Facebook Live Video

#12: The first 10 seconds of your video should grab attention

They say “Don’t judge a book by its cover”. But it is not the case in these highly competitive times. Your audience will decide by watching the first 10 seconds of your video whether to go ahead with it or not. Hence, the onus lies on you to create a video that is precise and entices the audience.

#13: Create an Emotional Impact through your video

A video creates a lasting impact on its audience as it appeals to emotions. A video feels more real than any other means of communication. Therefore, it appeals to its audience driving them to take action.

Though not exhaustive, these are some beneficial tips you can use for enhancing the engagement of your Facebook video. It is time you decided to use Facebook videos effectively to succeed in your business.

What do you think? Are you using video on Facebook? What types of videos do you post? How have your videos worked for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below.



Pac O'Shea
Stronger Content
Writer for

Marketing, Growth & Enterprise Partnerships at Viddyad, a globally recognised tech startup powering video for some of the worlds largest brands and enterprises.